ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 18

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"So...what now?"



"Okay I'll shut up."

Ever since you and Xiao arrived at the store no one really talked. You attempted to but as you can see that didn't work out.

Sipping on your favorite drink that Xiao had ordered for you, you mindlessly looked around the shop. There weren't many people in probably around only three to seven max, you assumed that most people at this time would be working or still at school like how you we're supposed to be in your class if it weren't for a certain teal-haired male that was sitting infront of you sipping on his drink with a dull expression on his face.

"Are you bored?"
he suddenly asked causing you to turn your attention away from looking at people in the shop, not in a weird way ofcourse. You just swore that you saw a familiar ginger hair and few people that we're unfamiliar with you.

"Didn't know you can talk" you sarcastically remarked making him roll his eyes.

"I'd rather not talk at all actually." he scoffed in reply.

"Yeah I know, and no I'm not bored I just thought I saw something interesting."

"Why are you asking anyway?" you ask him as he glanced at the shop.

"This place will get crowded soon" he answered while he sipped on his drink again.

"Yeah?" you copy his actions and take a sip from your own drink.

"Why don't we head somewhere else?" he suggested,

"Where?" you raise an eyebrow

"So you'll go with me? Great, let's go" he abruptly stood up with his drink on his hands. Deciding to not ask any questions to avoid him getting annoyed you stood up as well as he went ahead of you exiting the shop with you walking by his side.

Walking side by side on the streets at a rather slow speed as cars passed by, the sky cloudy and the wind softly brushing your hair made you forgot about any worries you had earlier. This is what you clearly missed alot, the tranquil and comfortable atmosphere while being by Xiao's side. These past few weeks have been horrible the amount of school works, projects and more school works made you procrastinate at most of them and ended up passing them at the last minute. And ofcourse the other problem you had is to set Xiao up with Ganyu, sure you knew what he said but you couldn't help but get a little amount of hope that he could reciprocate your long found feelings with little actions he had shown towards you. But we're you even sure that Ganyu felt the same way as Xiao when the time comes he confesses to her? You weren't. You knew deep down she didn't-or that's what the others told you, but if it was true then wouldn't you just cause your own friend his heartbreak nonetheless his very first heartbreak?

You knew well enough that you would regret the outcome of when that day comes, wether both of them actually talk their feelings about each other and end up getting together or Ganyu rejects Xiao, making him upset and purely heartbroken while you fully knowing it's your fault that he got rejected because you kept on pushing it.

It was purely your own selfish desires as well, you wanted-no needed to move on from him fast but it wasn't disappearing, your fondness and feelings for him grows more and more every single day.

Well you couldn't blame yourself about that either, he was a literal perfect figure in your eyes, the way his dark-teal hair flows so flawlessly with the wind, you could even say that the anemo archon favored him as such making the wind hit perfectly on his hair. His amber cat like eyes that could make you mesmerized just by looking at it and the splendidly done red eyeliner just at the corners of his eyes makes him even more pretty than he is already.

Just above his eyes we're that peculiar purple diamond shaped birthmark that you we're accustomed to see ever since you we're both kids. Even his small smiles we're alluring to you, though it wasn't often you see him smile because of the always etched frown on his face but whenever he does smile you can't help but feel butterflies fluttering in your stomach.

Is this really how liking someone feels? Well if it is you'd rather feel nothing at all than feel this way every time he smiles especially when his smile we're only directed at you.

'God dang it, who invented feelings?'

You recall the times where you and Xiao both hung out like this with just the two of you.

'Aghh.. who made this man so effortlessly hot??'

"Y/n you alright?"
a sudden voice of the male you we're just thinking of made you snap back to reality.

"Uh, Yeah! I'm fine aha.." you stumble with your words distracting yourself by sipping on your drink, how could you think about him when he's literally walking right beside you!?

"Are you sure? Your face is all red." he spoke making you choke on your drink and spit it out.

"Yeah I'm sure!" you said after you composed yourself of trying to rid the warmth feeling on your cheeks.

"But your face is-"

"I'm just fueling with anger! Aha don't worry!" you tried to make up a lie hoping he doesn't push further and make you more embarrassed but that's when he suddenly stopped walking making you turn to him and stop as well.

"Anger? Do you not wanna go to the park? You could've said so earlier." he said as his words trailing at the end,

"What no that's not what I-" you try to say. "Wait park?"

"I told you a few minutes ago we're you not listening?" he said, he was probably speaking to you while you we're daydreaming about him which made you feel bad and more embarrassed.

"Sorry I was thinking of stuff so I didn't hear you.." you guilty said which made him sigh, "It's fine but you still wanna go to the park?"

"Yeah let's go."

You both arrived at the park earlier and now where sitting crossed legged at the well kept and clean grass, it was swaying along with the wind. Their weren't a bunch of people around just as the shop earlier just a few here and there. Xiao had finished his drink and threw it in a nearby trash can while you we're still not finished, wanting to slowly drink the delicious taste of (f/d).

Just as in the shop no one spoke a word. You assumed he wanted to get some fresh air as you both we're surrounded by trees. You inhaled the scent that lingers in the air that smelt like the trees and grass when Xiao suddenly spoke up,

"Hey Y/n"


"..Do you like someone?"


Heyy so how are y'all doing?

I just wanna thank you for almost 23k reads and more than 900 votes!!! I'm so happy that y'all are enjoying what I'm writing <33


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