ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 36

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You slowly opened your eyes only to be met with pure darkness.

You looked around, everywhere but could only see black, the black soaring darkness, that only your figure could be seen standing among the darkness.

Unlike any other, you didn't feel panicked nor did you feel the urgency to find any sort of light.

The dark that emitted everywhere, your sides, infront of you and even behind you brought you some kind of comfort.

Why was this? Did something happen? Where were you? Why were you the only one here? All kinds of thought went in your head.

There was no light and yet you remained still and calm.

You shuddered when a breeze went past you hugging yourself in response.

It was cold.

The area you where at, the air suddenly turned cold as ice. The mixture of both darkness and the lack of warmth slightly made you feel alone.

Well, you we're alone. Alone in this somewhat cold and isolated place that no light and no one could go into.

You let out a sigh seeing your own breath form because of the cold.

You looked down at your feet, the floor you were standing on was covered in darkness like everywhere.

"Don't listen to him."

You raised your head up, hearing a voice right infront of you.

When you saw who it was your eyes widened.

It was you.

But you were standing here.

Then who was that?

There's no way it was you.

They seemed more...dull.

As if all life they had was drained out of them.

you managed to speak out after a few dead minutes passed.

The person right in front of you, the one who looks exactly like you repeated once again,

"Don't listen to him."

You furrowed your eyebrows confused at their statement.

Who was him?

"Him?" you question.

You guessed that the 'you' standing mere feet away from you knew you were confused.

"Venti," they said.

"And those other friends of ours that seem to encourage us further." they continued.

Now you noticed, their voice was monotoned. Void of any emotions. It was weird to hear your own voice, yet it was also slightly different.

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