ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 32

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"Come on, you promised~" your dark brown haired friend implored, laying her head on both her hands that were laying on your desk.

You sighed as this has been going on ever since the bell dismissed every student as they all went to their own chosen lunch places.

You bring your right hand up to the same desk, resting your cheek on it while looking at Hu Tao who was right infront of you with that mischievous smile she always wore.

"I didn't think you'd actually remember it much less need the answers from my homework." you say to her as she subtly shaked her head at her spot.

"Ofcourse I would remember! I really need it right now so please~" she pleaded, innocently blinking at you with puppy dog eyes.

"Sorry Hu," you apologize, you felt bad that you'd back down on your word like this but you didn't want her to know that you haven't even started on the homework she wanted the answers on. When you had offered her that deal you hoped that she would want the answers from homework's you've already finished.

"Please..?" she begged further with a rather too much sweet tone which made the male sitting beside you get annoyed.

"Hu Tao they obviously don't have the answers," Xiao said who was busy scrolling on his phone. "Besides that's the only logical reason why they're refusing now out of all times."

You released your hand turning your head at the left, glaring at Xiao who noticed from his peripheral view but ignored it and continued looking at his phone. How the hell did he even know that?

"Ohh." Hu Tao spoke raising her head.

"Exactly what Xiao said, we all know he always helps them with their schoolworks~" someone snickered behind Hu Tao which caused her to giggle a bit.

You turn your head back to Hu Tao's direction to see Venti laying both his hands on her head with his own head in between it like the position Hu Tao was in earlier.

"What," you spoke now glaring at Venti who found amusement at your reaction.

"I mean he is telling the truth y'know." Hu Tao mumbled, her smile widening once she saw your face turn more into a frown.

Xiao clicked his tongue setting his phone done and slipping it inside his pocket, " I offer help to them not the other way you both idiots are thinking."

"And here come's their knight." Venti mumbled to Hu Tao who just chuckled clearly as amused as him.

Now you were absolutely thinking on why fate let them meet each other and even made them friends, "Just uh I'll make it up to you next time, Hu."

Hu Tao nodded but rather hesitantly which made you curious but it disappeared when Venti supposedly voiced out her thoughts with a grin, "There's no next time, it'll be more like never."

You gave him a deadpan look, showing that you were too tired to deal with him right now while Hu Tao just tried to stop her laughs by covering her mouth.

"Can you both shut up," Xiao spoke after being silent for a while. He seemed as annoyed as you, "If you have nothing to do besides annoying y/n then you should leave."

The both of them then looked at Xiao who just wore a bored expression, he clearly did not want to deal with two of the most energetic people in the school right now.

"Ehe, sorry Xiao~" Venti said putting out his tongue a little to tease the other male as Venti put all his weight on Hu Tao's head who didn't fail to notice his head getting heavier.

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