ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 20

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"Hey he did pick up!"
A voice of a guy said on the other side of the phone.

"About time he stopped ghosting us."
Another voice said but instead of a guy it was a girl, was heard from the other side and it sounded muffled as if she was far away from the phone but it still got to make Xiao hear her.

"Ghosting you guys?.."
Xiao asked. He was shocked to hear them after two whole years with no interaction between the five of them.

"Yes, we've been trying to call you but you haven't responded at any of them. Mr. Zhongli told us you've changed numbers so we asked him to give it to us and now we're here." another guy said.

"Oh." he responded, he completely forgot to tell them he changed his number and now felt guilty thinking that he was forgotten by people he sees as his family. "...sorry I forgot."

"Sorry won't cut it! You know how hard we've been trying to contact you!?" the girl who spoke earlier 'Bonanus' yelled which made Xiao pull his phone away from his ear.

"We could've asked Father earlier but the fricking Celestia University is sooo strict that they can't even let us call home or anyone at all!!" she continued yelling.

"Calm your shouting Bonanus, Xiao's eardrums might as well break thanks to you."

After that Bonanus stopped making Xiao sigh of relief bringing his phone back to his ears as he found a nearby bench to sit down on.

"Thank you Indarias." Xiao said which earned him a 'yeah' from the said female.

"Ughh, Now about that lame apology," Bonanus started speaking once again as Xiao just hummed in question.

"To make it up to me-us, you better go home at vacation and spend time with us this year around!" she said, Xiao could practically see her grinning even though they we're just talking on the phone.

"Why should I? Wait, they're letting you four take a vacation?" Xiao questioned. He knew how strict that school was, students in that school we're required to study twenty hours a day and get only one rest day. The school also limited outside contact from others such as family and friends, though they didn't bother to change their system due to the results of the students that study there. All his other siblings went and applied there but he was the only one who didn't apply there due to him finding out the restrictions and rules in that school, which is part of the reason why he refused to get in. The other reason would be that he wouldn't like being separated with you after almost all your life together and having to worry so much about you.

'We're you taking care of yourself? Are you struggling with any of the subjects and has no one to help you understand them?' and much more we're his worries when he hasn't seen you only for a day.

"Yeah, oddly enough they're being kind to us." Bonanus said.

"Bonanus can you hand me the phone?" a male spoke up, there we're a few rustling sounds heard which Xiao assumed that she handed the phone over to someone else.

"Hello Xiao can you hear me?"


"Will you come home to spend time with us?" the person on the other side of the phone asked.

Xiao said with no hesitation at all.

"It'll be just once. We could also spend this upcoming Lantern Rite together, doesn't that sound nice?" he spoke trying to convince Xiao.

Xiao on the other hand silently thought about it, questioning his self in his mind,

"Alright fine but," Xiao started.

"But?" the other male asked, the intention for him to continue.

"I'll bring someone with me." he said as the other male chuckled.

"I assume it's that person in your school that prevented you from being with us right now?" he teasingly asked as Xiao scoffed in return.


"Well if your bringing this person over then they must be special no?"

"I'm hanging up now goodbye." Xiao said before pressing the end call button on his phone. He sighed and put his device inside his pocket as he stood up and walked back to his own dorm with the intention of asking a certain someone to go with him.

"And he hung up."

"Such Xiao behavior" a man with short, spiky, slicked back dark hair with purple strands and green eyes stated laughing.

"I see he never changed one bit." a woman with slightly flowy dark red hair with slight lighter red and orange strands said sighing.

"Who was the person you we're talking about Menogias?" another female asked, she had dark blue hair with lighter blue at the ends of her hair.

"Hm? Just someone that Sir Zhongli speaks about. Apparently the reason Xiao stayed in that school is due to that person." Menogias, a male with dark hair having some yellow strands and yellowish-amber eyes said.

"Woah, didn't know he was one for relationships." Bosacius said in bewilderment.

"Me neither... Wanna create a group chat and ask him to add that person?" Bonanus suddenly turned to the male with a mischievous smile.

"Hell yeah! I wanna see what type of person he just pulled!" He said in return as both of them ran off to who knows where with both their devices in hand.

"We both know they're not gonna 'ask' him." Menogias sighed face-palming his self.

"Mhm, they'll definitely annoy that poor boy if anything," Indarias said. "They'll probably scare the living hell out of that person as well." She added as she sighed.

Once you reached your dorm and went inside you immediately went to your bedroom and plopped yourself on your bed ofcourse changing into comfortable clothes first. Once you snuggled in and found a comfortable spot you slowly drifted off to sleep due to the exhaustion you've had for the day.


Another chapter, another slay 😋

Yeah as you've noticed most dead people in lore/game are alive and breathing, I've not seen any fics with the other yaksha's alive so I decided to make them alive just to see that wholesomeness sibling bonding they'll have with Xiao and well idk I felt like it 🧍‍♀️

I hope y'all enjoyed this chapter and author wishes you a good day/afternoon/night <33!!


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