ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 33

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A young boy was running around looking nervous, trying to find a certain someone who'd ran away a little earlier.

"N/n!," he shouted, bringing both his hands outside his mouth with the intention to make his voice louder.

"Where are you!" he yelled once again frantically looking around the area.

He lowered his hands to his sides as the light of the moon hit his face. A young petite boy who had an out of this world features, his hair shaded dark while some strands were teal while his cat-like amber eyes shone brighter when the moon light hit his face.

He wore an anxious face, thinking of many possibilities of where you headed.

Were you just close by?

Or did you officially run away from this wretched place?

But you were still a kid as he was, how would you live out in the real, cruel world all by your own?

His eyebrows furrowed even more when he thought,

Did you leave him like she did too?

The young boy shaked his head, no you wouldn't do that. You've said it a bunch of times before and besides you're not like her.

"Y/n!" he shouted again,

"Y/n! It's me, Xiao!"

"Where are you?"

"Please answer me!" he shouted as loud as he could. He can't leave you alone now not after what he had witnessed back in that place. The audacity of some adults to do that to their own kid has him angered at them.

"Y/n!..." he shouted and shouted repeatedly. He wasn't going to give up on finding you, he doesn't even want you to come back to that place. He just wants to find you.

"Y/n, please where are you..." he whispered, hands shaking and his breathing rapid.

He started to walk slower, turning to every corner hoping to find you there even if it meant that he'll get lost in that unknown place, he just desperately wanted to find you.

He stopped on his tracks when he heard muffled sniffles along with faint mumbling,

"Why are they like this..." he perked up at the familiarity of the voice where he heard the mumbling and slowly walked closer to the wall.

"Am I not good enough for them... I just..." the closer he got to the wall, the clearer the voice became.

"I'm trying my hardest..." he peeked behind the wall seeing your figure bent up, your head on your knees while you tightly hugged it.

He walked towards you standing right infront of you. He looked at you sadly, if his anger at your parents wasn't high enough it was now.

Xiao bent down to your level. He slowly tapped your arm to gain your attention, "Y/n.."

Startled you raised your head up to see his worried face right infront of you.

He brought back his hand to his knees taking in your puffy eyes and the tears that were streaming down your face.

"Are you okay?.." he asked, now that he found you he had no clue how to help or comfort you. He'd never done it before after all but he'll try his best and basing it off on how you comfort him whenever he was feeling down.

ʏᴏᴜ ᴀʀᴇɴ'ᴛ ᴍɪɴᴇ ᴛᴏ ᴄᴀʟʟ ( xɪᴀᴏ x ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ ) × ᴍᴏᴅᴇʀɴ ᴀᴜ ×Where stories live. Discover now