ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 23

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"Hmm, I do not think this would benefit everyone.. What do you think y/n?"

"Uhh" slightly uncomfortable with the two ladies staring at you waiting for some response or say from you.

"I don't know?.." you chuckled awkwardly rubbing the nape of your neck.

Keqing sighed looking through a bunch of files as the other person who was in the room put her hand on her chin and hummed evidently thinking hard.

"How about-"
before Ningguang could speak further you cut her off.

"Sorry Ning, but why am I here again?" you questioningly looked at them as both the white haired and purple haired exchanged glances.

"What do you mean by that?" Keqing asked crossing her arms, she still had her stern look that she always puts on.

You sweatdropped as both the female's attention was all on you, with their outwardly obvious strict look,

"What your discussing here is council stuff and only exclusive to the council only," you point out, indicating of the files that Keqing had looked through earlier.

"Yes?" Ningguang responded not certain where your going with your words.

"I'm not part of the council and yet your both asking for my help?" you say dragging out parts of your sentence as you raise your brow in question.

Keqing uncrossed her arms as her serious faced diminished a bit as she too was confused why Ningguang would ask a normal student for help.

"I, well... It was Lady Ningguang's suggestion." Keqing stuttered looking at Ningguang waiting for her to explain herself with her decisions while the other female chuckled.

"Wouldn't it better for us to ask a student not part of the student council to perhaps know their insights and thoughts with our current planning no?" She answered as Keqing became even more perplexed.

"Apologies but what? Wouldn't it be smarter to ask someone of high authority for example Mister Zhongli rather than a student?" Keqing retorted crossing her arms again while you immediately caught on with the use of her tone.

'Did she just imply I'm not smart?'

You visibly frowned at her as she ignored the sudden shift in your mood.

Ningguang shaked her head not oblivious to your stare, "Keqing hear me out," she did as told and kept quiet planning on intently listening.

"If we ask the whole student council their opinions and thoughts to improve and help flourish this school over asking the students who attend this school everyday as someone who wishes to pass and graduate without further high authority they wish, the latter would have an entirely different thoughts and views over the students who are in the student council." She said straightly not even batting to breath in before continuing her sentence.

Keqing who was still confused, "Sorry?.."

"What I mean is students from the student council would non-doubtedly say the same things and opinions that they think would be best for the school while those who aren't in the council would say things that'll actually benefit other students as well." Ningguang further explained but simpler this time.

"I see.." Keqing sighed disappointed at herself for not understanding immediately while you sat there not daring to say a word.

"So Y/n, do you have any suggestions that'll help the students?" Ningguang asked turning to you as Keqing kept her head down.

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