ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 22

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Xiao was sitting on the couch at his own shared dorm mindlessly scrolling through his phone to find anything to do to pass by the time. He thought maybe you'll text him again after being needed by Ningguang but it has been five hours since your last message making him sigh tiredly. Why did he even count up the hours you haven't texted him? he thought sighing.

"The hell you sighing there for?" the voice of his roommate was heard from the kitchen.

Xiao glanced his way and saw him eating on the table counter with some type of noodles that he probably found in the cabinets, with his unlocked phone placed near him.

"Nothing" he replied looking back at his phone.

"Nothing and yet I heard you talking to no one in the morning." Scaramouche scoffed "I swear something's wrong with you." he added.

"I told you nothing's wrong with me." Xiao spoke, unfortunately for him his doormate was awake and passing by his room when he heard Xiao utter those words making Scaramouche think he's crazy for talking to nothing but air.

"Forget about what I said earlier." Xiao was really embarrassed and frustrated at himself for even speaking that aloud. He would never live it down if Scaramouche ever hear him say anything like that to no one in particular and make him think that his doormate is crazy.

"You know if you we're planning to tell that to y/n then don't." Scaramouche suggested making Xiao look at him questioningly.

Scaramouche who saw Xiao's reaction couldn't help but roll his eyes, "That sounds cringey and stupid."

Xiao immediately deadpanning at his doormate clicking his tongue as he focuses on his phone once again while Scaramouche continued to eat his noodles using his phone as well.

"Not like you would know anything.." Xiao quietly mumbled making the other male look up with a glare.

"What was that?"


"I'm leaving."
Scaramouche announced trying to wear his shoes near the door of their dorm.

"Where are you going?" Xiao asked looking at him having a hard time putting on his shoes.

"Agh- that ginger asked us to come with him somewhere I don't really care to remember. I said 'no I ain't dealing with you' but he asked Kazuha to make me come somehow managed to convince me to come and-WHAT THE HELL IS THIS SHOES PROBLEM!?" he spoke but yelled at the end having enough of not being able to put the shoe on.

"GET THE HELL ON! I DIDN'T BUY YOU JUST FOR YOU TO NOT FIT!" he continued to yell jumping trying to wear the shoe as Xiao just looked at his doormate thinking of why and how was he roomed with an absolute idiot.

"Stop yelling." Xiao demanded, sure he got used to Scaramouche's random yelling and shouting over the most simplest problems but it was slightly getting annoying for him.

"YOU SHUT UP!" he retorted glaring at Xiao as the other glared back at him.

Both the amber eyed male and the indigo eyed male glared at each other while the other was now carefully trying to out on his shoes.

Once Scaramouche finally put on his shoes he spoke up, "Right I'm going, see you later loser." with that the indigo haired boy left leaving Xiao alone.

ʏᴏᴜ ᴀʀᴇɴ'ᴛ ᴍɪɴᴇ ᴛᴏ ᴄᴀʟʟ ( xɪᴀᴏ x ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ ) × ᴍᴏᴅᴇʀɴ ᴀᴜ ×Where stories live. Discover now