ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 35

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"That's what happened!" Venti whisper-yelled to Hu Tao.

"OII SHH KEEP QUIET!" she shushed him covering his mouth while he laughed but it came out muffled because of her hand.

After you and Venti witnessed the scenario earlier, both of you regrouped with Xiao a few minutes later to not make it suspicious to him.

And after that, went back to finding the rest of the group which is why you three are here now.

When the three of you arrived only Kazuha, Hu Tao, Ganyu and Albedo were there.

They said that the others had to leave mainly because they had important stuff to do which kind of bummed you since you missed hanging out with everyone complete.

But surprisingly, this was the first time Ganyu joined everyone for lunch since she was always in the council assisting Ningguang or Zhongli.

When you saw them you immediately went to sit next to Kazuha who was eating fish with Albedo sketching right beside him.

Venti of course, sat beside Hu Tao who was laughing rather loudly beside Ganyu as the said female was concerned for her friend.

Xiao on the other hand just decided to sit next to you because he didn't know where to sit.

"I can't believe that it wasn't even part of our plan but it helped!" Hu Tao whispered to Venti trying her best to only be heard by him. I mean she wouldn't want you nor Xiao getting suspicious right?

"I know right?!" Venti responded with the same energy. They violently shaked each other in happiness and squealed loudly.

"Are you both okay...?" Ganyu asked, who was sitting beside them. She was sipping on her preferred drink, coffee, she mentioned it before that it helps her staying up and finishing with her schoolworks and such.

At this point, the squealing of both of them earned everyone's attention. Everyone gave them a questioning stare as they laughed awkwardly.

"Yeah everything is fine! Haha.." Hu Tao excused rubbing the back of her nape.

You raised your eyebrow at her, "Are you sure? That squealing wasn't out of just your conversation."

Both Hu Tao and Venti thought and gave each other looks.

"Wait, don't tell me.." you stared at them with wide eyes. "One of you likes someone!?"

Hu Tao and Venti immediately gave you a blank stare as you guessed that you were wrong by their reactions.

"Welp I tried." you shrugged.

"It is possible though." Albedo spoke up and continued sketching.

"Possible? Us liking someone? Bleh!" Venti retorted pretending to be disgusted while putting out his tongue.

Kazuha hummed and looked at him, "It's possible for you to like someone."

Venti dramatically gasped while Hu Tao snorted, "Excuse me!?"

He crossed his arms closing his eyes, "I have my best friend Hu Tao, I don't need to waste time on liking someone." he said as Xiao stared at him.

"Say that to yourself again once you remember the person you used to like." he raised his eyebrow, amused when he saw Venti's expression.

Everyone looked at Venti once they heard Xiao mention it and was either scared or wanted to join in on Xiao's teasing, mostly the latter.

Venti was glaring at Xiao with his eye twitching a bit every second.

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