ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 39

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Arriving the designated location for the set-up of Weinselefest or what people still liked to call the Windblume Festival, you noticed that there were people already running around, some ordering people around, others checking up on things and some resting, having a chat with friends.

Even if the festival hadn't started yet you can feel the warm and lively atmosphere in the area.

It has been a while since you attended a celebration of a Mondstadt Festival since you refused to attend in the past years due to... complicated memories.

You smiled, suddenly feeling giddy and excited which didn't go unnoticed by the male you were with as he gazed at you.

His chuckle brought you out of your thoughts, "The set-up isn't finished yet so please save your excitement when the festival actually starts."

You sheepishly rubbed the back of your neck, "Heh.. right ofcourse."

He walked ahead of you assuming that it was the place you both needed to help at so you followed him from behind, observing the amount of stalls.

Food stalls and Carnival Games was being set-up, and double checked incase there were unstable bars that could hurt someone when the festival starts.

You made a mental note of those games you wanted to play with Albedo immediately.

You noticed that the place was decorated with alot of flowers. You recalled that they were called 'Dandelions' and 'Cecilia's', it seemed that even though the festival has a different purpose and name people still liked to refer to it as the 'Windblume Festival'.

Though you couldn't attend it last year you heard that the festival was celebrated in hopes to spend that day with loved ones such as family members, friends and your lovers.

That was what you heard so you weren't sure if it was true.

You have also heard about this 'Windblume' term they used. It was a name you'd call to your beloved ones, thought some people debated about it.

Saying that the term 'Windblume' is describing about their partners in life and some saying it's a term to call your family and friends.

But nonetheless, whether Windblume is a term for your lover, family or friends people decided to not make it a fuss and enjoy the day.

Now this year was the Weinselefest and you were looking forward to celebrating it with Albedo.

Speaking of Albedo, he suddenly stopped walking as you stopped wondering what caused him to halt in his steps.

"Sucrose, Noelle." he said, more like greeted waving his hand at the duo.

Perking up at the names you peek over his shoulder to see those two mentioned females holding boxes.

"Ah, Mister Albedo!" Sucrose said, surprised to see him.

You and Albedo walked closer to them as they gently set the boxes down.

"Hey Sucrose, Noelle, how have you both been?" you waved, greeting them with a wide smile geniounely happy to see them both.

Sucrose fixed the position of her glasses as she looked at you, the same expression she had when she saw Albedo was planted on her face when she saw you.

"We've been doing good, it's nice to see you attending this year Y/n." Noelle spoke up, lifting her right hand to her chest.

"Y/n, y-you're here!" Sucrose shouted in excitement, realizing she raised her voice she quickly apologized.

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