ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 25

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"Hey girlies!"

As you heard a familiar voice you turn your head to the direction where it came from, assuming it was your friend that you had just chatted with.

You see Childe waving with a big smile on his face walking closer to the table that you three had occupied, ofcourse trailing behind him are none other than Kazuha and Scaramouche. Kazuha seemed rather nervous but he didn't show it and kept a small smile on his face while the other male looked like he didn't even want to be here in the first place.

As the three males reached the table both the other ladies that we're conversing earlier had stopped and turned their attention to the ginger male.

"Greetings Tartaglia." Ningguang said as the said male nodded. "Nice to see you too Ningguang!"

'Huh no honorifics?'
you thought. Usually people would refer to her as 'Lady Ningguang' except for those who she allowed to call her by her name without the honorifics, seems as both Childe and Ningguang personally know each other.

"Mind if we join you three?" He questioned, ignoring both the purple haired and indigo haired's glare.

Ningguang nodded in response, "You may join us." With that the trio situated themselves with their seating, Childe seated next to Ningguang as Keqing was right beside her. Leaving both Scaramouche and Kazuha to sit next to you.

"What do you want from Lady Ningguang?" Keqing straightforwardly asked with narrowed eyes, she found it unusual for Childe to approach them so casually without any hidden intentions.

Childe lightly chuckled, "My, aren't you quite the wary type."

"Answer." Keqing sternly stated glaring at the male who just grinned.

"Can I not want to have a conversation with Ningguang over here?" Childe asked crossing his arms as he raise his eyebrow. He was quite amused with Keqing's actions, she was like a bodyguard for Ningguang. He had heard about this certain purple haired female through some connections he had, from what he had gathered she was always near Ningguang's side, always assisting and helping her any way she can. He also knows alot of other personal stuff about her but he wouldn't dare use these information for blackmail.


"Keqing," Ningguang spoke up cutting her off before she can continue.

Keqing clicked her tongue and turned away. Ningguang turned to Childe, "Though I agree with Keqing's statement, is there any reason you came up to us?"

"Nothing in particular, we wanted to just join you three for more fun." Childe indicating at the word 'we' which caused Scaramouche's eye to twitch as he glared at the male.

"You mean you." He immediately rephrased, pointing at Childe as the male just laughed.

Ningguang hummed. She then turned her attention to the platinum blonde male who had kept quiet. You who noticed her stare at Kazuha lightly coughed which didn't work as she kept her eyes on him.

Kazuha who was aware of her stare stayed calm and unmoving, giving her a stare back looking through her eyes to determine what she wanted as she looked like she was trying to say something.

You noticed her demeanor and even though you weren't the one getting stared at you got quite uncomfortable as you turned your eyes to Kazuha seeing him stare back at her.

Wanting to help Kazuha out of this, "Ning-"

"How's Beidou?" she inquired cutting you off earning a shocked face from both you and Keqing.

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