ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 4

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After everyone finished eating their lunch they all stood up to go to their respective classes before the bell rings.

"We'll get going now,Aether,Venti, let's go!." Lumine said and grabbed both Aether and Venti's wrist and dragging them to class which coincidentally the three of them had.

Aether just sighed and you could hear Venti's protests about how he was being treated.

"Pfftt goodluck to his wrists" Hu Tao said giggling looking at the disappearing figures of the three.

"We should also go before the bell rings" Ganyu said to Hu Tao, hearing that Hu Tao stopped giggling and a pout had formed on her face.

"Whaaat~ why can't we skip class instead? Or just be a fewww minutes late??"

"Not happening Hu Tao, I also would like to avoid creating an excuse for you again" Ganyu said sighing remembering that she had to bail Hu Tao everytime she was late for class.

"Awww no fuunn, but whatever then" Hu Tao said.

"Good, alright see you guys later!" Ganyu said while starting to walk off to her and Hu Tao's class with Hu Tao trailing behind her waving at the rest of the group.

"I believe I should also go as well" Kazuha said and looked at you and Xiao.

"Alright then, Goodluck with class Kazuha!" You flash him a smile and he just returned it with a nod.

Kazuha turns around and walks away from the both of you to go to his class.

"Right, let's head to class Xiao" you say and looked at him as he just responded with a weak 'okay'.

There was only silence heard and no one was talking, you wanted to ask how his class went but for some reason you couldn't speak and no words we're forming on your mouth so you ended up opening and closing your mouth afterwards. Xiao ofcourse noticed that you've been quiet when you usually talk alot more to him.

"Something wrong?" He asked looking at you from his peripheral view.

"Huh- OH nothing, nothings wrong" you looked at him seeing his amber eyes already looking at you from the corner of his eyes. You looked away from him to the side to avoid him seeing the faint pink hue on your cheeks.

' Damnit Y/n he literally just asked if something's wrong. '

Even after a few years of realization towards your feelings for Xiao and the constant reminder to 'STAY CALM' around him to avoid him being suspicious, you still couldn't help but feel your face heat up whenever Xiao was talking to you or just be near you.

"Hm, if you say so" he said and looked straightforward. He did indeed see that your face-specifically your cheeks- started to turn a different hue but didn't mind it as you always acted that way.
Being in his presence or simply just talking to him, you would always have your cheeks heat up and turn away from him, also avoiding eye contact when talking to him but ofcourse again he didn't think that it's possible for his first friend to fall in "love" with him so he noted this way of yours as normal throughout the years.

You both finally reach the classroom and head towards your seat, him taking the left seat of your side as he always said that, "You'll end up dozing off to who knows where and not listen to the lesson being taught so it's better I'm near to snap you out of it."

You propped your right arm on the desk and put your chin on the palm of your hand of that arm, lazily scanning the room you saw girls whispering to each other while looking and pointing beside you where Xiao sat.

' His "admirers".' you thought and sigh internally. He would've given them a chance if it weren't the fact that he wasn't interested in the concept of relationships and those girls being brats about anything.

' Isn't interested my butt... Falling for one of the definition of perfect girl in the whole school. ' you thought and looked at your desk.

' I have no chance in winning against her, Maybe I'll just avoid these feelings and let them disappear before I get hurt more...' you put your head down on the desk having your arms as a kind of pillow while the teacher arrived and asked everyone to be silent.

"Don't be sleeping in class again Y/n." Xiao said looking at your slumped form on the seat. He honestly doesn't know what goes on your mind to sometimes make you act-sad? Or upset it seems?

"...Yeah yeah I won't.." he heard a muffled reply from you.

' Time to consult Kazuha again..'


Hi y'all!! A new chapter for everyone, srry for not publishing a new chapter for a few days, I got so busy with school ending and all TvT""

But tyyvmm for 400+ views and the support this book has gotten so far I rlly appreciate it!!:'DD
I also apologiez if the story isn't that great it's my first time writing a story-

Anyways, ty for reading have a great day/night!!<3


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