ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 11

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After hours and hours of everyone having fun in the arcade, they all decided that it was time to end the day as the sun has already went down and they we're all tired.

Everyone was gathered up at the front of the arcade on the sidelines talking and laughing with each other.

"Ooo! The taxi's here, let's go Venti!! Bye guys!!" Hu Tao running ahead waving with her hand as she went where a taxi parked with Venti behind her running as well as shouting to wait for him, both of them decided to go back to their dorms together as it was near each other and they probably have some mischievous pranks to talk about.

Waving at both of them as the taxi they we're on started moving and disappearing from everyone's sight,

"Welp! Today was an amazing day my compadres but this fella here is exhausted and now wants to get back to his dorm to relax" itto pointing at himself,
"Let's go lil detective!" he says dragging the poor auburn-haired boy who for the second or third time today with the said male not protesting once only heaving a deep sigh as he looked back loudly shouting,

"Thank you everyone! And farewell!"

As others bid him a 'see you soon' and 'till next time' a black shiny car arrived infront of everyone, rolling down the window a man with dark suit was seen holding the steering wheel looking at everyone,

"Sir Tartaglia" the man said which made everyone look back at the male as he smiled at the driver.

"Alright then today was fun y'all we should do it again sometime!" Childe said walking closer to the car but stopped and looked back at the twins beckoning them to go in with him.
Lumine sighing went on ahead with Childe opening the door for her as Aether hesitantly followed her.

After Childe finally went to the passenger seat the car started driving, both Tomo and Kazuha also bid their goodbyes leaving only you, Xiao and Ganyu left.

You then looked at both of them seeing Xiao beside Ganyu with her holding the plush awkwardly while silence enveloped the atmosphere.

'She ran out of things to talk about huh?'

You thought looking at Ganyu who was ready to go but also seemed anxious, you turned to Xiao with his amber eyes looking around the place as both his hands we're in his pockets.

Remembering that there's three of you, you glanced at Ganyu then Xiao suddenly having another 'bright' idea that would help your childhood friend get closer to the person he likes.

Ganyu who was nervous not because she didn't know what to do with the silence but about something else looked at you seeing you have a big grin formed on your face that she couldn't help but raise her eyebrows in question.

Walking closer next to Xiao you then leaned a little bit closer to his shoulder,

"Psst, walk her back"
you whispered to him leaning back away from him as you finished, he jolted at the sudden sound of your voice turning his head towards you, giving you a look with his eyes narrowed and his eyebrows furrowed.

"What? No"
he whispered back making your grin be replaced with a deep frown.

"What do you mean no?"
you whispered back to him crossing your arms over your chest.

"No means no, and what about you?"
ignoring his last sentence,

"You can't let a girl walk alone at night!"
you reasoned back as he also crossed his arms at you.

Ganyu still awkwardly standing seeing you both whispering to each other noticing you somewhat looked mad sweatdropped as she decided to make her presence known with a cough earning both you and Xiao's attention.

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