ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 9

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After everyone finished eating they all went outside the restaurant to discuss where to head next as it was still around afternoon and most of them didn't wanna end the day early.

While everyone was heading outside you stayed behind to order some mora meat for your roommate as she had requested some before she went off.

Heading to the desk where the lady that Childe spoke to earlier gaining her attention when she sees you walking towards her.

"Hello, is something the matter?"
The lady asked showing the smile she always seem to give off to the customers.

"No not really, I just wanted to order some mora meat on the way..How much is it?" about to get your wallet when somebody stops you with their hand of your wallet.

"For Ningguang I believe? If so allow me to pay for it!" Childe suddenly appeared pushing your wallet back to it's place.

"Ah alright, then one mora meat please." not wanting to argue back as you knew how persuasive Childe is, the lady at the desk nodding ringing a bell at the left side of the desk to signify a new order has been placed also saying a 'Coming right up'.

As the lady went to inform the cooks leaving you alone with Childe.

"It's been a while comrade" turning to look at you while giving his usual known smile.

"Mhm it has.. How's Signora been doing?"

"Signora? She's still in the hospital but good news is that she awoke from her coma already! Me and Scaramouche visited her a few days ago"

"Really? That's great I'll visit her when I'm free" you say mentally rescheduling the things you'll do for the week.
It has been a few months ever since the huge fight consisting of Signora and Ei, obviously coming out as the victor was Ei. Both the girls we're punished but since Signora was injured and went to a coma, only Ei suffered the punishment. But it wasn't as bad as the teachers original punishment thanks to her sister, Makoto.

"Also how did you convince Scara to go with you? 'Cause I know for a fact there's no way he was willing to go with you" hinting the obvious 'you' at the end of your sentence, Childe could see abit of amusement in your expression causing him to roll his eyes.

"I didn't convince him he willing went with me... Well uhh not literally went with me but both of us we're heading to visit Signora"

"Uh-huh right"

"I'm serious! He probably felt bad for what Ei did to her and as her son he went ahead and said her apologies"

"That doesn't sound like the scara I know" looking at him a deadpan expression he just shrugged and said,
"I said probably"

After a few more minutes chatting and catching up with Childe the lady arrived back with a paper bad supposedly with the Mora Meat inside and gave it to you, thanking the lady you walk towards the exit with Childe beside you.

"The arcade?"

"Yup! It's been awhile since Venti and I went to an arcade so we all planned to go to one and have fun with the remaining time we have" Hu Tao joyfully says answering your question

"Well then let's go!!" Itto grabbing Heizou's arms dragging him all the way to the arcade leaving the rest laughing at Itto and Heizou's expression.

The rest we're chatting about what games they would play at the arcade, Xiao noticed the paper bag your carrying,

"Do you want me to carry it instead?" looking at him you questioned,

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