ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 31

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Yawning slightly with your eyes a little droopy from just waking up. You left your room heading to the kitchen area, your mind was still hazy and clouded with every step you took.

As the kitchen came to your view you we're greeted with a subtle wave from your roommate, Ningguang.

You nodded your head as a sign of greeting while Ningguang continued what she was doing, you assumed that she was making her breakfast to start the day.

You stood beside her peeking at what she was making,

"W-woah Ningguang isn't it a bit early...to eat something so greenish..?" you asked her, voice a little raspy.

She looked at you, "It's better to eat something healthy early than not at all, don't you think?" she replied slightly smiling.

You sighed and moved a few inches away from her to do your own thing in the morning which is making sandwiches as your breakfast. You went to get the bread, fetching the filling you desire for your bread,

"Y/n leave that to me," Ningguang spoke near your body which caused you to flinch a little. You looked at her questioningly which she caught on.

"I'll make your breakfast, you go ahead and freshen up." She continued taking the bread away from your hands. You shot her a look as she just chuckled,

"Don't worry, I'll make sandwiches not a vegetable salad like mine." She smiled, shaking her head slightly while you let your shoulders relax. No way your going to eat something like that this early in the morning.

Ningguang smirked, placing her right hand on her hips while she held a piece of bread in her left, "That is unless... You want a vegetable salad instead?"

"Sandwiches please..."

While you we're doing your morning routine you failed to hear a knock on the door.

Ningguang perked up, washing her hands and drying it off before heading to the door to open it and see who was at the other side of the door in both your dorms this early. She had a guess who it might be but didn't think much of it.

She opened it seeing an all too familiar dark haired teal-highlighted male standing there with his arms crossed.

"Hello Xiao." Ningguang greeted him, smiling a little. Her guess was right on point, she assumed that he was here to walk with you to school again.

Xiao who was standing with arms crossed let his hands fall down on his sides and straightened his posture, he was expecting you to open the door not your room mate and that caused him to feel a bit startled.

"Ningguang," he greeted back, but it merely sounded like he was surprised to see her which was the case. "Where's y/n?" he asked right away.

This time Ningguang crossed her arms her smile slightly widening in a teasing manner, "Here for them hm?"

Xiao narrowed his eyes unamused which in return made Ningguang chuckle, "They're getting ready as of now."

Xiao nodded, "That's why they weren't replying huh..." he mumbled not loud enough for Ningguang to hear what he said.

"Hm, say why don't you wait for them inside?" Ningguang offered slightly making way for Xiao to come in.

Xiao shaked his head refusing, "No need, I'll wait for them here."

"Wait for them here?," He nodded as Ningguang looked left and right, there we're no seats around so how was Xiao going to wait here standing, probably going to get tired of standing? Or was he actually willing to wait a while standing right infront of your dorm for you? The thought made Ningguang inwardly smile softly.

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