ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 8

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"So...Who are we waiting for again?"
A tall man with white spiked hair along with pale red streaks that goes down to the back asked.

"I think Aether, Lumine and Childe?" You answer him

"How long are they going to take???" Another complaint can be heard from Hu Tao earning a sigh from Ganyu.

"Not too long I hope so we can get this day done already" an auburn-haired man with green eyes added.

"They will be here soon, Childe told us that he'll pick up the twins on the way here" Kazuha says standing next to Tomo.

Crossing his arms, Xiao looked entirely done with everything and looked like he wanted to go home already but it seems like that's just how he is.

"Should we sit down while we wait for them?" asked Ganyu

The others nodding at her statement found a seat and sat down waiting for the other three to arrive, ofcourse Xiao sat down next to you.

Xiao seem to be dozing off on the chair you look at him concerned and tapped his shoulder,
"Are you sure you don't wanna go back and sleep instead?"

Slowly blinking he looks at you and say,
"Yeah I'm fine I can sleep when this day's over"

Still not believing his words you nod at his statement and wait for the others to arrive, not noticing the stares the others are giving you both.

"See what'd I tell you?"

"Oh mannz, making me feel lonely over here"

"About that gc you we're talking about Venti..."

"Yep yep! I'll add you later Heizou!"

After waiting a few more minutes, Lumine, Aether and Childe finally arrived.

"Hey comrades! I hope you all didn't wait too long" Childe said chuckling nervously while the twins just waved and apologized for taking long.

"Hm, is this everyone?" Aether asked scanning everyone.

"Yeah, Y/n, Xiao, Itto, Hu Tao, Ganyu, Venti, Kazuha, Me, Lumine, Aether, Childe and!! Of course let's not forget the birthday boy!" Tomo put an arm on Heizou's shoulder while hearing a grunt from the auburn haired male.

"Alright then if everyone's here let's go celebrate!!"

"Woahh you really got a reservation here for us bro??" Itto asked as he spun around looking at the look of the place.

'This place looks expensive'
All the others thought as some sweat dropped

"Ofcourse, if it's a celebration then why not go all in?" Childe said laughing as he goes to the lady at the desk talking about his reservation in the place.

"I suddenly feel like this is too much for just my birthday.." Heizou said.

"What else would you expect from the only Childe?" Lumine said not looking surprised or amazed as she seems like this is normal for Childe to do.

After talking to the lady and guiding them to their table Childe spoke up,
"Well then, order anything you like!"
As if on cue the waiters gave everyone their menu's.

Everyone scanned the menu only to see the amount of expensive looking dishes.

"Even the amounts of pay I get from working at the funeral parlor, there's no way I could even buy a single dish here.." Hu Tao says looking at Childe who just smiled at her.

"It's my treat anyway so pick any you would like!" Childe happily said to everyone at the table.

Looking through the menu you couldn't find any food that you would like.


"So? What will everyone order?" said Childe as he called over a waiter and looked at everyone.

"Ahem- as much as I'm thankful for the amounts your paying for the- I mean my birthday won't you say this is a bit too much?" Heizou said putting his menu on the table.

"Hmm, yeah your a total stranger and I have never met you in my life but Itto here put in a good word for you so I decided to be nice and treat you all for your celebration!" Childe said as he grinned happily.

"Well then if none of you is ordering yet, I would like a Barbatos Ratatouille and some wine!!" Venti said loudly earning a few stares from the other people in the restaurant.

"Venti you can't drink wine" sighing as Aether put down his menu and said his order.

"I'll order a Vegetarian Abalone!!"

While everyone was saying their orders to the waiter you we're still scanning through the menu to find atleast something you could eat.

Still not finding anything you look at Xiao who was seated next to you to see him with his eyes almost closing.

You call out to him and he looks at you with a face saying 'Something wrong?'

"You look really tired.." your face turned to worry again as you mumble those words. He seemed to not hear it as he asks for you to repeat what you said, not wanting for him to hear it you instead ask,

"What are you gonna order?"
He looks at the menu that was on the table then back at you.

"Almond Tofu.."

"Alright then"
Having a dish in mind now, you tell the waiter of Xiao's and your order.

Itto loudly exclaimed to everyone when the food have arrived and served on the table.

"Happy Birthday Heizou!"
Everyone said in sync earning a smile from him.

"Thank you everyone" Heizou said as everyone started to eat their meal.

Eating the dish you ordered you see everyone chatting with each other mostly to Heizou probably for more greetings to him.

You look to your side to see Xiao eating his Almond Tofu peacefully having a ghost smile on his face. It looks like he's enjoying himself despite the lack of sleep that you couldn't help but chuckle abit.

Hu Tao who was sitting beside you heard it and immediately looked at you seeing your attention mostly on Xiao eating his meal. She smirked and went closer to your ear to whisper,

"Admiring him eating hm~?"

Surprised by the sudden voice you jolt and put the palm of your hand on Hu Tao's face earning a muffled laugh from her.

"Hu Tao! You scared me!"
You say as your cheeks turn a little pink for being caught staring at Xiao 'again'.

"Sorry couldn't help it!"
She said removing your hand from your face still laughing and her laughter increased more when she saw your face.



Here ya go! Another chapter out hhh
It's about 12 am now so I'll write another chapter tmr cuz I'm tired as heck 🗿💦


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