ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 5

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"Wahh!-Where are they I'm getting impatient!!"

"Be quiet Hu Tao, they'll be here any moment now."

"But we've been waiting for about 25 minutes for them, I don't think my legs can handle anymore standing around!"

"Yeah! Let's go ahead and leave them."

"Sigh... Why are we stuck with these impatient people."

"I can't handle standing up any longer!!"

"Then sit the hell down!"

"No! I'm too lazy for that and my poor beautiful legs will get dirty!"

"Oh my god.."

Lumine putting her hand on her head to ease the upcoming headache that would form on her head.

Y'all are now outside the school, specifically the gates, since classes had ended and students can go back to their dorm to rests or do whatever stuff they want to do.

"Anymore longer and I'm going to break." Hu Tao complained yet again with Venti also complaining again.

"My legs..I can't.. Remember my legs everyone.." Venti falling to the ground while Lumine just sighed loudly tired of the everyday dealing with both Hu Tao and Venti.

"Has anyone tried texting them?" You ask

"Yes, Ganyu said she'll have to stay in school due to council and club activities while Aether-" Kazuha replied to your question,

"He got caught up with class and said he'll be a little late walking home with us." Lumine finishing Kazuha's sentence

"Little late my butt!! It's been about 25 minutes already!!" Venti who was still on the floor whined

"I swear to god if you don't shut up-" a rather looking irritated Xiao narrowing his eyes as Venti immediately stood up and ran behind Hu Tao.

"EEP- HU TAO PROTECT ME!!" He said while taking a little peek behind Hu Tao seeing Xiao walk closer to the both of them.

Hu Tao complying to her dear friends request,
"Ah ah ah~ you have to go through me first before you can lay a hand on Venti" Putting a protective hand infront of Venti to somehow 'protect' him.

Xiao looked at Hu Tao in the eyes with full on irritation, with her sweating abit seeming small with the way Xiao was glaring through her eyes even though she's only a bit shorter than him. Retreating her protective arm and hiding behind Venti now,

"Nvm- you can take him I don't wanna die yet!" she pushed Venti towards Xiao, earning a gasp from the said person.


Venti looking infront of a rather very intimidating Xiao, he looked around trying to find a way to avoid the wrath of a irritated Xiao.

As he locked eyes with you looking at the scene happening a seemingly bright idea had appeared in his head and ran to you hiding behind you.

"Y/N!!HELP YOUR BOYFRIENDS GONNA KILL ME-!!" He pleaded as he pushed you towards Xiao.

"What- I ain't helping yo-" as you recalled the way he addressed Xiao as 'your boyfriend' your face bloomed all kinds of red in an instant.


Now directly infront of Xiao with Venti's hands on both your shoulders from behind. You felt like exploding on the spot and disappearing from the world, and everyone noticed that familiar red color on your cheeks- face.


Your eyes darkened lowering your head, calling out to Venti.


He knew what he did for sure but it was worth a shot to see a reaction from either you or Xiao - but most likely you.

"You better fricking run.."

You turned around to give Venti the deadliest glare to make him know your dead serious as he just sweatdropped and slowly backing away...

Loud screams could be heard from the said boy with you in tow chasing him around while cursing at him profusely.

"Oooo~ a new client for me."

"Not the time Hu Tao."

Sighing and pouting a little, Hu Tao grumbled incoherent words.

"A bunch of idiots."

Sighing to himself, Xiao just watched you chase away Venti around.

Yes he heard what Venti said and didn't mind it knowing he would want Xiao to be ticked off more but he didn't expect you to be the one that was ticked off and embarrassed- flustered at the way Venti addressed Xiao.



I bring y'all a new chapter >:DD✨✨
Hope y'all like it <33

Also holy Kazuha rerun??Klee and Yoimiya too??
Definitely getting Kazuha!!

Goodluck to those pulling for Kazuha,Klee and Yoimiya!!!


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