ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 17

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As the four of you we're chatting with each other, maybe just three of you since Xiao wasn't speaking and just kept quiet glancing at you here and then, the bell rang indicating that lunch was over.

"Welp there's goes our freedom once again." sadly sighing, Tomo stood up dusting off any dirt he had on his outfit as the everyone stood up as well.

"We still are inside school premises so technically we don't even have any freedom at all." you say back as Tomo once again sighed but loudly this time.

"I hate this life, wish I could've been dead by that strike so I can escape school..." Tomo mumbled earning himself another smack on the head but from Kazuha this time as the male seemed upset at his words.

"OUCH!- what was that for Kazu??" Tomo rubbed his head where he got smacked by his friend.

"That wasn't even hard-," Kazuha said his tone clearly upset. "Let's just go, see you both later." sighing he began to walk away from the trio purposely leaving behind Tomo.

"Isn't hard when you literally- Augh nevermind, bye you both!!!" Tomo bid his goodbye's to you both before running off to catch up with Kazuha. You snickered at the interaction between the two, from an outside perspective it would seem that Kazuha wasn't a good friend for hitting Tomo like that after the words he spoke but from an inside perspective it's actually Tomo's fault for being insensitive with his words. You knew how much Tomo meant to Kazuha as he was the one who helped him trust himself with his own decisions and let him not dwell on the past as much as he did before he met Tomo. So hearing such words like that from Tomo probably struck a nerve within the platinum blonde.

As his figure disappeared out of sight and the constant yelling from Tomo gradually disappeared, you turned to Xiao seeing him deep in thought,

"Uh you alright?.."

He turned to look at you a little startled by your voice and slowly blinked a few times. He looked back at where the two friends had went to as he started thinking about something once again so you got curious making you also look infront of you as well to see if maybe you'll know what he's thinking about but there wasn't anything but just the tiled floor.

'Was he daydreaming?' you thought but shaked it off as there wasn't any way he could be when he has his guard up 24/7, he never even got jumpscared by Hu Tao atleast once.

'But he got a little startled earlier?'

'He could be just thinking and not daydreaming, what on earth would he even be daydreaming about??'

You thought and looked back at the male beside you,

'Maybe about Almond Tofu?...'

You opened your mouth to say something but got cut off when he turned his head towards you,

"Let's go." he grabbed your wrist and started dragging you somewhere.

You let him drag you in what you assumed both of yours next class but noticed that the way he was walking to wasn't the way towards your class, you looked behind you glancing at the rooms your passing by to see if you we're actually walking more and more further away from your class.

"Xiao, we're going the wrong way!" you alerted to him thinking that he may have spaced out and walked the wrong way but got no response nor action from him. You started to struggle to keep up with his pace,

ʏᴏᴜ ᴀʀᴇɴ'ᴛ ᴍɪɴᴇ ᴛᴏ ᴄᴀʟʟ ( xɪᴀᴏ x ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ ) × ᴍᴏᴅᴇʀɴ ᴀᴜ ×Where stories live. Discover now