17.We did it!

19 2 0

Nathalia Avra

"If we add a circuit here, maybe it would work." I suggested as we were trying to make an adaptable design for the USB wire that could read the hard disc.

Tony is a workaholic and he didn't even break a sweat even though we worked for twelve hours continuously! I was literally tired and Tony mentioned he had to catch up on his research work. We decided to continue our little project after tomorrow's breakfast and I hope it is not going to be goo balls. That dude didn't even mind getting me something else. He just stuffed his face and then went on with his work. 

I almost forgot to tell you how his stay room looked. It looked like a concrete igloo. With the upside-down cup shape, it was really cosy inside. The rooms were patterned the same; two rooms, one kitchen, one bathroom and one living room. The living room was at the centre and the other rooms branched out like petals. The floors were carpeted and the windows had curtains. The bed was really soft and the table and chair added a cool bonus to the decor. 

The counter at the port was also dome shaped and since it was Tony's home continent, we didn't converse with the guy at the counter so much. 

The first day took an unexpected turn when Tina announced she was not going to stick around. I was really sad that she was parting ways soon. We were like the three Musketeers, the three little pigs or some other iconic trio and she had the nerve to say goodbye all of a sudden! So, I lured her using the perfect bait. Information! And look where that took me. 

Now, I have to spend my space vacation on figuring out how to adapt Earth tech to Kliptoran. It was nice but Tina wasn't joining the fun. Now that we have a decent design, I hope tomorrow we will get over this and get on with the exploring. 

I crashed on the bed and dozed off pretty soon.

Next day, Tony woke me up and I was not at all ready for the day to start. All the 'using-my-brain- thing', I did yesterday, made me even more tired. But if we finish the task sooner, we could get the touring done sooner too. So, I got up, frowning and as I was squeezing my eyes open, he yanked my hand away.

"Don't do that. It will cause major problems in the future." He raised his voice, but somehow said that calmly too.

"It is my eyes! I will do what I want with it! " I yelled back. He irritated me when he tried to be caring.

He didn't say anything. He just nodded and left with a huff and I got up and stormed into the bathroom. As I went to the kitchen, I saw him preparing something. I took a seat at the dining table and he said, "I have made something with a Carp, it is a fish variety. Would you like to have breakfast?" 

I nodded a yes. I felt a tiny bit offended when he rephrased it like that but the portion on his plate seemed appetising. I snatched the plate from his hand and took a bite from it. The savoury tartness of the tamarind and the soft flesh of the fish was on point. 

"Hmmm... That is really tasty. Thanks for such a delicious breakfast " I smiled, expecting him to say that it was his portion and it was not right to snatch it from him.

To my disappointment, he nodded and took another plate and served himself a portion and took a bite. I finished my food and got back to his study to finish the rewiring. After a few failed attempts, we did reciprocate the Kliptoran version of the USB that can fit into a Kliptoran tablet.

"Yes!" I yelled as the folder icon popped up on the tablet. I raised my hand to high five but Tony just stared at my hand. So, I took his hand and connected it with my raised hand.

"This is how you high five. You give it to cheer others or to celebrate something which we both agree on." I explained.

He nodded.

"So, let's see if we can watch a movie in this thing." 

"Why do we need to waste another two hours of our time?" Tony asked.

I let out a very dramatic gasp, "Waste of time! It is a beautiful way of telling a story. There are many valuable lessons that we can learn from them. Besides, entertainment is not a waste of time. I strongly disagree with that notion."

"Fine. Let us watch a movie. Just ONE." He said holding his index finger up. 

I nodded in excitement." We have not watched Big Hero 6. Let's do that. It's a super cool movie and there is a series that follows the story.  Boy! isn't it a great series!"

"We are not waste- I mean watching another series " Tony corrected himself.

I gave him an evil smirk as I opened the file on his tablet. After two hours, Tony sighed.

"The story is really interesting and I enjoyed the story." 

I smiled. Just then there was a knock on the door. I volunteered to open the door and rushed towards it. On opening I see Tina standing there. 

"Hi. Tina. Come on in." I invited her inside. She stepped in and Tony greeted her, 

"Good day. We have finished modifying the hard disc and it works."

Tina nodded.

Tony gave the tablet and the hard disc and Tina started thanking us. "Thank you. Now, I have a wagon waiting for me. It was a pleasure touring with you. I will miss you both."

"Can you not stay for the Thanksgiving week?" Tony asked.

"That is one reason I have to catch this wagon. It is the last wagon before the port closes for holidays."

"Back me up. Thanksgiving week?"

"It is a Kliptoran tradition to celebrate this particular week of the year. A bunch of scientists from Engame came up with a brilliant idea that saved millions of lives. So, in honour of them, the whole of Engame celebrates a week of holidays with each other." He explained.

"You should definitely stay Tina. Let's have one last week together." I smiled and stared at her with my cute puppy dog eyes (insert anime sparkling in the eyes). She stared at me with no emotion and I try harder.

"Fine. I will meet both of you tomorrow at the stadium then." She started to leave 

"How about we binge the series?" 

"No." Tony said loudly and stormed out of the stay room.

"Or I can rewatch the movie with you Tina " I put forward a proposal.

"No." She walked out as well.

"Guess it's me and you buddy." I took my laptop and logged in. Thank God it is in one piece.

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