1.That one shelf...

119 20 71

Nathalia Avra

As usual, our professor was going on about his yesteryears than taking the class that I needed to pass the exam! But the relieving part of his session was that, this is the last class for today and that I could be at other important places after like ten minutes.

Today, Professor Faelliyo had asked us to visit his mansion at the foot of Vestorwinds Hills for a brief luncheon. I excitedly waited for the bell to ring as the library in the Faelliyo mansion had always been one of my favourite places to hang out. I love to look over the books, to feel them, and one day, it's my dream to read every single one of them.

As if on cue, the bell rang and being the impatient person like always, I rushed out the door as the professor uttered, "class dismissed!"

"Bye Britty, see you tomorrow." I hugged my best friend, Brittany, as we make our way out of the college doors and part our ways.

Brittany has been my bestie since ninth grade. Ever since I arrived in England from India, I have always felt out of place until I met her.

She is beautiful in her own way. Dark skinned, curly black locks, like a clown's wig (she doesn't like me calling her hair that) and her beautiful dark brown eyes always with a smiling glint should obviously indicate that we would be best friends forever. She is taller than me and she is fit (she does go to the gym, unlike me). Today, she wore a white crop top with blue jeans and a small blue ribbon on her hair and her trusty black flip flops.

I wore a simple purple T-shirt and paired it with my light blue jeans (which I pair everything with), a blue hoodie and black sneakers. I tied my long black hair in a ponytail. The outfit always looked dorky on me and people assume I am a dork. Well, I don't care because the outfit always was comfortable and practical.

"Hello, sugar pie. How was your day?" Dad smiled as I took the front seat.

"It was great. Can't wait to get to the mansion." I squealed.

"I need my ears for the conference, so go low with the shrieking, will ya?" Dad ruffled my hair as I nodded yes.

Eric Avra is a businessman and he is my sweet loving father. He is in his late forties. His hair has been neatly combed to one side. If you look closely, you can make out white hair strands peeking through his black hair like specs of snow. He has a trimmed beard and a bushy moustache on his brown face. He always wears his black-rimmed rectangular spectacles over his dark hazel eyes. Today he wore a black suit, with a white shirt and my favourite maroon tie (I gave on his birthday).

Dad worked at Aeronauticorps where they manufacture parts for aircraft and seacrafts. He always encourages me for what I love and care for and I really love the idea of following his footsteps. That is one reason why I took up aeronautical engineering as my major!

So, back to the car ride towards Faelliyo mansion. We made a pit stop to pick mom up from our humble abode.

Our house is a one storey building with a small vegetable garden in the backyard and a garage on the left side of the house. It is painted white and the whole front porch wall was decorated with knick-knacks and origami. My parents can get a bit creative sometimes.

Tongo, our beautiful beagle was lying in his kennel at the far-right corner of our house.

In our home in India, Tongo was not allowed inside our house (Most of the pet dogs in Kerala were just for guarding the house). Even coming to England didn't change his fate.

Mom was also excited for the luncheon, but the fact that dad was not attending because of a boring yet important conference is sad.

Anyway, we reached home to find mom smiling like a hundred-watt flashlight, on the veranda of our house.

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