15. The Most Earth like continent: Arabacia

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Nathalia Avra

I have always wondered, why on Kliptora do they have to go through Edbranch first to go to other continents? I mean, why can't they create different routes to connect with other continents

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I have always wondered, why on Kliptora do they have to go through Edbranch first to go to other continents? I mean, why can't they create different routes to connect with other continents. Like Frenchi and Latina are neighbouring continents, it would be effective if there is a connection between those two continents rather than going to and fro through Edbranch. 

Then again, I think Edbranch being a centre also helps in not getting confused and easy navigation. It might also be hard to move from one continent to another if the only road between them shuts down for maintenance. Haven't people thought about that or did they make some sort of self-maintaining roads which lasted all these decades? 

Kliptorans always make me wonder and they (I mean Tony and Tina,) never answer me sometimes. 

"Why are you staring at us?" Tina asked. I come back from 'me vs ma mind debate competition' and realized I was indeed staring at them. 

"I was thinking." I spoke. Tina nodded and goes back to whatever she was doing with her tablet. Tony was sound asleep. I guess travelling to and fro in the wagon can be tiresome. 

As you might have guessed, we are traveling towards Arabacia and we are halfway there and by that, I mean, we are reaching the port in Edbranch which would lead us to Arabacia. The ports are also spread across Edbranch and those from Latina's port to Arabacia's port, it took a total of one hour's journey. 

We successfully reached the port E53 and now we got into the wagon. The wagons looked just the same and the ports across Edbranch are all the same. They have concrete square buildings for a counter and white marble floor. It took more than two hours in the wagon. I started dozing off and hence couldn't tell the correct time I spent in that wagon. 

But, as we reached Arabacia, the sun (Helo) was on top of our heads. It's midnight in Arabacia. That means, I get to sleep as soon as I reach the stay room. So, the first day in Arabacia was spent in two wagons. This happened because Engame's port was in between and we skipped Engame, so we could go there at last.

 Anyway, Arabacia looked beautiful. Imagine Egypt. Sands, hot scorching sun, sand dune, large pyramids, cactus, camels etc. Now remove the cactus, camels, etc. Replace sun with Helo and the sand pyramids with pyramids that look like the Louvre Museum. Sands can be replaced by the levi-tiles and foot plates and marbles. That's Arabacia. 

Fun fact the marble tiles are the foot plates. Anyway, the counter at the port looked like, well, you guessed it, Pyramid. It was made of glass but not the transparent one like the one found in Latina, it was opaque and very reflective. I guess Arabacia residents go out of this house to check on their reflections. 

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