3.Truth that pains

70 14 46

Antony Faelliyo

The tour through the Amazon Forest was refreshing, and the whole time, I couldn't stop marvelling at its mesmerizing wonders. Although, I had no idea we would visit the Amazon on our South American tour, it had turned out to be the most exciting part. 

As for Eric and Vanessa - well, they were upset, because their best friend Nathalia, had declined to go on the tour to attend classes. And since the last two weeks were all about enjoying nature, I made them leave their phones and gadgets with my assistant who said he would drop it at the mansion. Well, they both were angry at me because for two whole weeks they wouldn't be able to contact Nathalia. They really missed her - but I suppose that feeling was mutual for everyone. 

Today, we returned from our tour, and it was good to be home. 

My home might look extravagant to others, but it is a memory of my dad and grandpa. It is also the memory of Alicia and Tommy.

The Italian architecture was inspired by my grandpa's Italian tour in the 1940s and my dad didn't quite want to reconstruct the Faelliyo mansion. My dad installed the mischievous design for the library, so he could get lost in the world of books for most of his vacation. My grandpa used to joke how dad would come right after school, the last day and run into the library and literally spend weeks in there. Dad was an avid reader, so was I and so was Tommy.

Tommy was everything to me. I always found time to spend with him. I was with him. He loved his grandpa. And I still remember how seven-year-old Tommy sang Over the hills and far away, beside his grandpa's bed. His blond hair ruffling in the wind. His tiny hands clutching his grandpa's hand and nodding his head to the rhythm.  He was devastated when my dad passed away. 

Now, he being nowhere to be found makes me devastated. I hope, one day, I will see him.


After having no contact with Nathalia for two whole weeks, Eric mentioned that he was going to collect their phones first before going home. Nathalia mentioned she would be at the mansion when they last called. Tongo was also at the mansion. 

I always liked that dog. It always reminded me of how Tommy patted him and played fetch with him, the first time I met the Avra family.

Eric is a great father. He is also a caring husband. I love his dedication to spend quality time with his family. He always reminded me of myself and Nathalia of Tommy. I still remember meeting Eric for the first time.

It was in Calicut, India. I had to attend a convention. It was a very sunny and humid day. The convention hall, though was air-conditioned, still felt like sitting in the sun. The hall was packed with leading cooperative companies and potential foreign investors. I fancied the idea of doing investment for some reason. Also, Tommy wanted to explore other countries. Tommy and Alicia were enjoying their time at the beach, that was what I understood when Tommy kept babbling about it all evening. As for me, I was stuck with businessmen in a cramped hall with ceiling fans and air conditioners trying their level best to keep everybody cool. As every executive pitched for their companies, I caught my attention to a young executive; Eric Avra. 

He wore a plane blue shirt and black pants with a well-polished pair of shoes. His black hair was neatly combed and partitioned to one side and he had a very bushy moustache. His chin was freshly shaved. His raspy voice carried so much confidence and the way he vouched for his company was remarkable.

So, at the reception, I made up my mind to talk to him.

At the reception, I clicked my glass with him. We got acquainted and I really felt that talking to him was a good idea.

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