26. Stubborn little human!

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(Before Nathalia's crash landing on Earth; the day Tommy was discharged from the hospital wing...)


" Nathalia your plan won't work."

"Why not?"

"Because we have no access to the waters."

"Why don't we have that?"

"Because we are not soldiers."

"Why are they allowed then?"

"Just quit it, Nathalia! You're worse than a 5-year-old."

"Ok fine." She grumbled.

After that, we didn't have a conversation for the rest of the night. It was about the 12th hour when I got inside to have something to eat. I was thinking a lot about Nathalia; her behaviour, her desire to leave Kliptora and of course, her way of handling things.

I was also like her. I wanted to leave this place. But this place grew on me and I didn't want to disrupt its ecosystem. They also have survival instincts. Imagine being an alien on earth and you are literally a threat to all human beings, humans won't hesitate to put you down. They kept me alive. That is the difference that makes me support them.

Sure, Kliptorans messed with my brain. But leaving can have a lot of consequences. Kliptorans always think of the survival of the whole community rather than the survival of themselves. I am sure, they really didn't want to suppress my memories and change me like them. If I had cooperated with them, then I might have not been Tony. Nathalia said I was having Stockholm syndrome. Well, even if she is right, I still think Kliptorans are right this time. But I also wanted to help her. I thought of consulting with professor Sundae. Well, tomorrow will do.

I then gazed my attention towards what Nathalia was doing. Yes, as expected, she was jolting something on the tablet I gave her. Maybe another plan. I went close to her and whispered, "What are you doing?"

She whispered back quiet sarcastically, " I am writing."

"What are you writing? "

"Why are we whispering?"

"I asked you first."

"Nothing of importance. "

I smiled.

"Well, how did you manage to make that spaceship without any help or anyone noticing you? " I tried to divert her from thinking about any plans.

"Why do you ask?"

"Maybe I can help."

She grinned a bit, and she started narrating,

"I am an engineering student, specifically an aeronautical engineering student and I almost completed my course. So, I can possibly build an aircraft given the things. Some I collected from junkyards, some from our school's ' not so brilliant idea collection' which was about to go to the trash but still worked perfectly well and some I had to buy with my pocket money or try to cover up by doing odd jobs around the neighbourhood. Money and materials check. No suspicious people as long as I have lies to say, why I needed money and as long as I didn't leak any money from my parent's pockets without permission. But there was one person who was at the brink of exploding - Brittany! She had this 85%awestruck, 5% confused, and the rest, " are - you - insane!" Kinda of reaction. You must have seen her face when I collected that junk in her presence. " She let out a chuckle. I joined her.

After a few moments, she continued,

"Then, the problem was a work area. When I was thinking about it, I just came across a cottage in our neighbourhood which was believed to have many paranormal activities happening. So, anything happening there will only add to the list of paranormality and make the place spookier. To be frank, it might be one of the real estate tricks to make the price come down as that place, if sold, could give you a fortune. Any-"

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