13. The festival of clothes in Frenchi!

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Nathalia Avra

Nathalia Avra

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"Bonjour!" The man at the counter greeted me.

I smiled and returned it back, "Bonjour." 

The man wore an entirely different outfit! He had long cotton pants that had those umbrella openings and his shirt was half sleeved and he had a nice pair of black shoes unlike all the other Kliptorans I have seen. (Except Preethi, the singer and a few of the theatrical people.)

I got ahead of myself. Sorry. Let me start from the top. Frenchi is our next stop and Frenchi, as the name suggests is a mini-France. I remember going on small tours to France through a train on weekends. My favourite thing about France were the Boulangeries. No matter how trivial my knowledge of French language or culture is, when it comes to cuisine, I will get an A+.

Back to Frenchi, the port was beautiful. It had a river passing by which we can see as soon as we get down the wagon. Frenchi has a structure that looks like the landmass is divided into two parts by this river. There was a beautifully constructed bridge going from the port to the other side of Frenchi. People buzzed here and there.

 The counter looked kind of like a telephone box in London. It was lean and rectangular and only the man I mentioned before stood in there without getting suffocated.  Tina conversed with the man and I guessed what would have been the conversation about; assigning us a temporary stay room. 

Tony was busy reading something on his tablet. After a few moments, we were escorted to our stay rooms and Tina bid us goodbye. 

Anyway, the stay room looked like a small apartment in the thick jungle of apartments. The narrow alleyways between the parallel rows of stay rooms, went as far as I can see. Compared to the other continents, I have been to, this one is the most congested. The building looked like a one storey building on an alleyway with a concrete open terrace. Inside it was cosy and there were curtains for the windows (which is the only extra detail in the stay room.) 

From what I have observed, Kliptora goes with these standard house designs. A stay room should have three rooms, one bathroom and a kitchen. Each continent just gave their own twist to the designing part. Just like how my friend's and my assignment look before submitting to the teacher. 

Each continent also divided their work area and residence area into two parts of the continent. For example, Mandrea had their factories on one part of the continent and the stay rooms were on the other part of the continent. The thing that struck me was, there was sort of a discipline even from the way the buildings are made; it was structured and all that. It was also easy to navigate. "Where is the factory?" "Well, it is at the other end of the continent." "Thank you for stating the obvious!" 

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