12.Greka and the digital library for geeks!

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Nathalia Avra

Moving on to the sixteenth night of my Kliptoran adventure, I was kind of bummed

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Moving on to the sixteenth night of my Kliptoran adventure, I was kind of bummed. The constant jet lag and the whole night life was making me sleep deprived. Tony and Tina didn't even have a clue about it. The wagon journey to Greka was quiet and mostly, I was snoring.

"You snore loudly." Tony remarked.

"Thanks." I smiled.

Tony looked confused. I walked past him and took in the view. It was spell bounding. The elaborate pillars and the intricate fountains, sculpted in white marble looked like a picture from Ancient Greece. The counter had four pillars holding the roof, which was slightly curved, almost flat. The cemented walls had beautiful cursive writings all over. It was really breath-taking.

"This is my home continent." Tina said. Her voice held happiness and her eyes were round and wide. I could literally feel a sort of happy vibe from her, which is not the case as always.

As she was talking to the counter man, who looked dashing in his slimy olive skin, dark brown hair and stunning grey eyes, I found myself thinking about my two companions.

Tony was reserved but he was different. He loved learning something new. He enjoyed every single second he was exploring. He kept on talking about some scientific stuff, (if I asked him that is), or he would not even utter a word in the entirety of like six hours. He is like that introverted nerd friend in a group.

Tina, on the other hand, was disciplined, kept all her dealings within one sentence and nodded and spoke rarely. It was the first time I ever heard a slight variation in her voice. She was literally glad to talk in her mother tongue. I wonder, how long has it been since she visited her continent?

"Nathalia, are you listening?" Tony shook my shoulders slightly. 

I came out of my reverie and smiled, " Yes... sorry, I wasn't paying attention."

"Tina arranged our stay home. Let's go get some sleep." He repeated, I guess.

I nodded. Kliptoran mannerisms are rubbing off on me a lot these days. I also started talking less. I nodded most of the time and I started controlling my sudden impulses. I get distracted pretty fast.

We arrived at our stay room and it was splendid. It still had two bedrooms, a bathroom and a living room. The whole place was white marble. It had beautiful flowers etched on the stone. There were some flowers highlighted with black ink and the whole thing looked like a chess board with flowers instead of squares. The pillars holding the roof were taller than the walls. Because of this, there was a slight slit separating the roof from the walls that poured light into the room. It made sleeping impossible. 

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