30. The missing Party

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The Hawkian cluster seemed to be left just the way it was. It is fascinating how after more than two months of leaving it undisturbed, the meteor was not affected by the surroundings. It didn't have any lichen growing on top it or any insect population growing on it. The piece of land looked like it was barricading the influence of nature around it from reaching that small area of ten cents. As soon as both of us reached the site, I started sampling the soil and also the flora around the area.

A sudden thought struck me and I removed my breathing aid. Trevor on noticing my move, rushed towards me. I breathed in the air and to my surprise, my theory was right. I could breathe properly! I immediately collected some air by a vacuuming technique, to study its properties. Trevor stood stationary looking at me. I can tell he was surprised. I walked out of the meteor's conquered area and I felt like I couldn't breathe. My lungs started hurting and Trevor ran towards me and inserted the breathing aid back into my nostrils.

I took in a few deep breaths. "Are you trying to die, Tony?" Trevor asked, his rather hoarse voice suddenly softened. I guess he was concerned.

"No. I was just trying to prove my hypothesis." I smiled.

"Let me know what you are doing before you decide to risk your life." He warned.

I took another bottle full of the air which was not surrounding the meteor inflicted area. As I was sealing all the necessary samples, I heard someone call, "NATE!". The sound, although faint was familiar. I looked at Trevor. He looked at me.

"Tony, please stay here. I will take a look at what was that about and join you." I nodded as I saw him run towards the direction of the sound.

I had completely forgotten about Nathalia at this point. After the transprogramming, Blake had told me that he was going to repress her memory. I had promised her to not let them do that but I know if her memory wasn't repressed, she would still want to go back. So, I didn't stop him from repressing her memories. Nathalia seemed like she was fitting in as Nate. The first few days, I felt guilty for what I did to her. But then I convinced myself that it was for Kliptora. Even as Nate, Nathalia still behaved like herself. She looked more in control of how she was behaving, but I could see her true self to question everything and try out new things coming out sometimes.

The other day, I took her to the planetarium and she just started singing 'Twinkle, twinkle little star' out of nowhere. After a few minutes, she composed herself and looked at me. 'I don't know how I know that song' she said. 'I am glad you can make your own songs spontaneously.' I lied. She seemed to be content with that explanation. She shrugged it off.

I think, I was more reserved from the starting, that my new self could control my old version. Nathalia was totally wild from the start. That must be why she needs to be kept in check from time to time. I am sure she will become better at it in due time.

Trevor had returned with Tina following him. I dismissed all thoughts about Nathalia and looked at both of them. Why was Tina here? Did she yell Nate? Did Nathalia follow me here?

Panting, Trevor came towards me and after taking in a few more breathes replied to my confused expression, "Nate ran outside. She must have thought of following us. Tina saw her running out. She has been looking for her ever since. She is saying that it has been about two hours since she has been searching for her. "

"That's how long we have been here. We should find her." I was ready to sprint out looking for her. No, she shouldn't be here. Something bad could happen.

"Have you finished collecting the samples?" Tina asked, her voice was stuttering.

"Yes." I replied.

"I will take the sample to the lab, while both of you try finding Nate. She must not have gone far. She must me somewhere lost in the Ara Forest. Find the Gurburs, and scout with them. I will bring in extra rescue supplies and a search team. Don't worry we will find her. Remember to take in shorter breaths." Trevor instructed.

Yes, this is the best course of action. I helped to load Trevor with all the collected data and he left us. Tina nodded at me and we left the cluster in search of Nathalia.

The Gurburs are a sentient species of mammals found living in the forests and grasslands all around Kliptora. They look like us but with fur and they seem to be able to breathe in the air outside the domed parts of Kliptora. They speak entirely different languages and communicate in different ways. Some soldiers are trained to speak to them. They call us the 'domed civilisation'. Each region of Gurburs differ in the way they live and they have a symbiotic relationship with us. Gurburs are natural hunters and they exist like the tribal communities of the Earth. We provide healthcare facilities for them and they help us in giving information about new types of herbs or animals and also help us with provisions. We also lend them clothes, since older Gurburs tend to lose their fur over time. Tina knows how to communicate with Gurburs. Since it is not possible to be able to learn every single variation of Gurbur community, we have certain soldiers in every camp specialised with a certain community of Gurbur.

We moved as fast as we can through the vast surroundings, making sure to not over breathe our oxygen supply. We would frequently call out for Nate. After a lot of walking, we arrive at a thicket of tall trees. Tina gestured me to follow suit. We got inside the thicket, carefully feeling the floor. Traps could be common out here and also, there could be various poisonous insects and creatures. Carefully, one step at a time, in the middle of the night, we walked. Zooie was really a help tonight, as it was shining so brightly of all days. After a few moments of rummaging in the dark, we heard the sounds of footsteps approaching.

Tina looked at me and then at the direction of where the sound came. I nodded in response to the signal. We walked towards the sound and found ourselves in the midst of a crowd of Gurburs.

Okay, the Gurburs really are giants. They towered to almost as tall as the trees that surrounded us. If I were to aimlessly walk around and there was a Gurbur standing very still, I would think it was a bark of a very furry tree rather than a leg.

"Gur....gu... Blah...bruh...gled glud!" Tina yelled. The Gurburs turned almost synchronised. The head tilt itself caused a mini earthquake. It must be just my feeling. One of the Gurbur, paved a small way and welcomed both of us into the centre. I felt like running in the opposite direction, but Tina walked into the circle. I scanned around as I slowly dragged myself into the middle. I felt a little breathless right now but it was hard to concentrate on not fainting when big round eyes stared at you. As we walked towards the centre, I caught sight of something in the middle. The cotton exterior made me realize what it was. It was Nate!

"Nate! Are you alright?" with the sudden surge to protect, I rushed towards a tired and shrivelled Nate. Her breathing aid seemed to be almost empty and she was frightened and cold. Wet tears started falling through my eyes blurring my vision of a Nathalia who was at the brink of dying. I felt helpless and miserable. With quivering lips, I place Nathalia safely onto the ground and started to take of my breathing aid. Tina stopped me and said, "Don't. Let her try to manage with the little oxygen she has. Trevor will be here any minute. I will ask one of the Gurburs to lead him here quickly, until then I want both of you alive. So don't do anything reckless and calm down."

I couldn't calm down but Tina seemed more reasonable. I nodded my head and tried to hold Nathalia for a little bit longer when an insane idea crept into me.

Blake had given me a serum that could reverse the effects of the transprogramming within seconds. When I breathed the air of the outside, I had felt like my lungs hurt, like I wasn't used to being around smoke. If my theory is correct, Nathalia can breathe the air, even if Nate can't. Her human body would have been used to adapting to polluted air as the quality of air on Earth is debatable. I pulled out her breathing aid and thrust the serum into Nathalia's veins.

"No!!!!" Tina yelled, as soon as she saw what I had did. She was talking with the Gurburs when all this happened.

Nathalia suddenly started agitating and coughing and after a few minutes, she stood up! Tina and I looked at her bewildered. I could feel the Gurburs astonished too, because they stood as still as a tree on a calm windless night.

"Guess I ain't azombie yet!" she started laughing and flopped back to the ground unconscious.

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