9.Too many soldier camps in Edbranch!

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The above song is featured in the story.

Nathalia Avra

At 10 pm (or 4th hour according to Kliptoran time), we started walking through the streets of Edbranch

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At 10 pm (or 4th hour according to Kliptoran time), we started walking through the streets of Edbranch. The streets were super clean and had paved tiles of some sort. I can't find trees or any sort of plantation on the streets. Everything looked white. The buildings all looked the same and there were no skyscrapers to be found. The buildings were marked with tiny symbols rather than signboards.

Tony informed me that the tiles on either side of the road were called foot plates and that they power up the entire planet using kinetic energy produced by walking. How cool is that?

The vehicles hovered over about a foot above the ground. Tony explained that the tiles that the "mobiles" (which is what they call vehicles here) were actually magnets and they use magnetic levitation as a means of energy and they were called levi-tiles. I really would love to know how the mechanism is and maybe write about it. Who knows, maybe that would be a conventional method on Earth too.

We reached the facility we slept in last "day" and he offered me a pair of clothes which I didn't want to wear but since I really needed to change and my bag is not with me now, I decided to wear it. I took a quick shower and I was not expecting warm water coming through the tap. Some things stay similar between worlds, I guess. I wear those cotton karate pants and shirts and I must say, they were really comfortable! They were white and they were a perfect fit. The shirt was full sleeved and I could really feel a net-like lining around the neckline but I can't see anything there that stands out. I got back in, just in time to see Tony preparing a small bag.

"Whatcha doing?"

He looked at me utterly emotionless and I stared back.

"I mean, what are you doing?" I smiled and pronounce each word slowly.

"I was preparing a small bag for you to carry along. I have put in some currency notes if you feel like buying some souvenirs and I also have put a notepad, if you want to jot down something during the tour. A water bottle, so you can be hydrated and you can add any of your belongings, once you get them. Switch has made sure you get the best experience of Kliptora." He explained.

"Ah," I sighed and sat down on my bed.

"Today, we begin our tour. And as your tour guide, I would like to propose some rules."

"Rules for tours?" I shook my shoulders and cocked my eyebrows at him.

He just stared at me the whole time.

"Come on! Not even a cringe?" I sigh exasperatedly at even trying to get a reaction from him.

"What do you mean by cringe?" He asked.

I cringed and then said, "That's a cringe."

He tried to impersonate me but he failed miserably.

"Never mind that. What are the rules?" I cut him off.

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