23. Smiles return; hearts break.

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Nathalia Avra

Everything happened fast. I saw a wormhole and I blacked out. The program should have worked because I am not dead. I try to open my eyes, feeling my limbs. Not under restrains. Cool! As I opened my eyes, I saw I was in a hospital room. I saw a screen with my heart beat pulse, the drip, the oxygen supply given through a time in my nose. I was in hospital scrubs and not in my hoodie. The room looked empty. Just then, someone opened the door.

A nurse in scrubs of pink walked in. She stood their spell bound. With an awkward grin she ran out screaming. "It is conscious!" in Malayalam. Suddenly, the door was shut with a force. I was surprised. I just looked at the door, processing what just happened.

 Am I on Earth? Or did I land on some other planet? Considering the odds of a certain planet with its residents talking in English, I guess a planet where the residents talked Malayalam was not something impossible. I sat there staring at the door, as if feeling someone would burst inside yelling "you're conscious!"

Well, my gut was right, As soon as I finished thinking that thought, someone opened the door and yelled," You're Conscious!" I was taken aback by the Hindi but hey, I am not complaining. I might have landed on Earth after all.

"Am I on Earth? " Seriously Nathalia? That's your first question?!


"I am on Earth!" I exclaimed relived.

The dumbfounded guy had a turban on his head and wore blue shirt with black pants. He just stood there, not knowing what to do.

"I am Nathalia. Nice to meet you. Who are you?"

The guy must have realized that he was gaping at me.

"Oh!, um.. I am Kulwant. Kulwant Singh. Ah... You said you are Nathalia?" he asked.

"Yes. Why? Do you know another Nathalia?" I asked.

"No, that's not why – Anyway" he turned to the door and said, "Let him in."

I saw the familiar black shoes, black pants and the crisp ironed Teal shirt, a rectangular spectacle with a stoic expression on his face, and the sleek backward combed pale blonde hair, walk in.

I was so overjoyed on seeing the Professor in person again. I got out of the hospital bed, and tried running towards him. My mistake! I was connected to so many things. The drip bottle dangled. So, I tried adjusting it. The professor was now close to me. He embraced me and gave my head a soft pat. My heart just smiled. I never thought he would do that. I thought he would slap me and yell.

Well, today seemed to be 'predict your future day' because I just got slapped on my back and he yelled,

"You know how worried we were! You were gone for almost 8 months! Your dad and mom were so worried! I was worried! Where did you disappear to, child?"

"Ouch?! That hurt! I will talk about everything. I just got up after having a concussion." I retorted.

He stared at me, his nose blaring.

"Hm" Kulwant cleared his throat.

"Right. Nathalia, Please get back to the bed. We will sit and talk." Professor ordered.

"How did you know she was here?" Kulwant asked Professor.

I saw the news." he said in an as-a-matter-of- fact manner.

Kulwant nodded in understanding.

After a few moments of awkward contemplation, Kulwant asked me, " What happened?"

That's the thing, Kulwant, if I tell something, it's going to sound ridiculous and fiction.

"As, you can see, I am human. I am from Kerala. I emigrated to England. Professor knows me for more than ten years. and my parents would actually have my necessary documents, The ship was a test to see if Professor's calculation was right and it was a fai-"

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