28.Narating Fun!

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Nathalia Avra

"I nodded in approval." I broke the suspense.

"Wow! That must have been a tough decision." Mr. Kulwant commented.

"Hmph." Professor pondered.

We had reached Thamarassery and to my delight and to Professor's bewilderment, the family took us in. the news that everyone heard didn't include a picture of me. It just stated my physical appearance. That helped in our cover story. Although after all the chaos we caused in NIRDESH, there might be a leakage of how all of us look in the news. This is so cool! I am wanted by the world! And I am going to appear in the news! Anyway, due to the recent flood and heavy rain, most of the power supply has been shut down. But, there is still internet. Luckily, the family had cabled wi-fi and the wi-fi server was down.

The family was welcoming. We gave the house for free with all the furniture and also the said, cabled wi-fi, when we left to England. But there was one condition. They had to take care of the livestock that came with the house. They were more than happy to comply. The family consisted of a couple with their eleven-year-old daughter. They were daily wage workers and didn't actually have a good provision for living. Us, giving our home to them helped them gain stability and now, the family is doing well. Thus, they welcomed us with open arms and offered us a place to stay.

During the car ride, we came to a unanimous agreement to somehow find a way to hide without dragging them into the mess. Mr. Kulwant had also planned to sent his family back home somehow. I wondered if we could visit Punjab as well. Punjab was in my bucket list of places to visit, followed closely by all the other states of India.

Back to our present condition. Kiran Didi (a term in Hindi to address older women) has been helping around the house since the time we arrived. Probably, feeling guilty because we were freeloading. Their mother also helped here and there but Theresia Thomas, the lady of the house didn't allow her to do much work. She felt like the older woman should just relax. The atmosphere surrounding those three was really awkward. Two wanted to help and the third just wanted them to relax because they are her guests.

Mr. Thomas was busy with outdoor work. He was also busy with helping in some fundraising and rescue mission of the flood afflicted regions. The area we were currently in was far away from the coastal area, so the damage caused was restricted to power failure. Tessa Thomas, the elven year old, was busy with her mother's phone and other stuff.

Professor and Mr. Kulwant was bombarding me with questions as soon as all our temporary problems had been solved. We three, mostly sat outside on the porch and talked mostly in English and kept the story to ourselves. There was usually lots of argument in the middle which always gave me the opportunity to yell, 'break!' and run away to catch a moment's peace before they find me and ask me to finish the rest of the story. Kiran Didi wanted to know what was going on between us, but Mr. Kulwant stirred her away. She and their mother were the only reason I didn't have to start my narration inside the car.

The rain was still violently clashing on earth. It has been that way since I gained consciousness in the holding cell. Pretending to sleep for almost two days was really hard but I managed to do it. The power cuts helped me switch sides and adjust myself for some time, which helped with not having much worse cramps. Still, my body was sore.

Mr. Kulwant found the narration to be like a science fiction adventure than reality. Professor just grumbled mostly, because he wanted to know everything and I was slowly building the mood and catering to the hype that Mr. Kulwant gave me. Professor always complained and face palmed whenever Mr. Kulwant asked me a question or I side tracked to a different topic. We had taken a small tea break and he said that it was an illegal cliffhanger! Mr. Kulwant was always beside the Professor. Whenever I am not narrating, Mr. Kulwant would be pestering Professor with bizarre science questions. Maybe that is part of why he always grumbles.

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