21. Question-storming my poor brain!

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Kulwant Singh

Rajesh spotted her first. We immediately, rushed towards her and I checked her pulse. Her heart was beating like normal. She just seemed unconscious. She looked like a normal human. She looked Indian too. I quickly made my way out and yelled, "Call the ambulance!"

Shocked, people stared at me dumbfounded. "There is a girl unconscious inside! Call the ambulance!" Someone took their phone out to dial the number.

I walked inside to help Rajesh take the girl out. My mind kept wondering about how the girl could be non-human. She could literally be an alien. She could also not be a "she". It seems a little disrespectful though. Let's call them they then. What if they are a hub of lots of tiny intellectual beings shaped as a sentient being of the planet they are going to conquer! Too many sci-fi movies, Kulwant, I chide myself.

Anyway, we both safely got her outside. The once scattered crowd came swarming like a moth! The poor thing needs oxygen, my mind shouted. I got down and started swatting them to make room for lying her down.

"The ambulance is here!" someone shouted.

"The patient is here." I called out waving my hands in the air.

The paramedics arrived with the stretcher and they gently moved her onto it and towards the hospital. After that was cleared, I asked a team to investigate more about the ship, while I went to my desk to write the report for the press release.

--- Reached hotel. Nice room. Thanks.

My sister left a message. That stung a bit! It was not because I didn't want to take the leave, The director won't allow me!

Kiran Kaur, is younger to me by five years. She is pursuing her degree in English literature in Punjab University. It was her semester break. She did ask me to visit her every single time she had her semester break and I never got the time to visit them. That's why I suggested this trip and now I am the one with the excuse!

The press conference was pact with reporters. They had their questions of turmoil on their notepads and also evil cameras flashing with a wide grin. I moved into the seat with my name on, and took it. My legs were drumming and my hands kept sweating. Officials sat on either side of me and I saw Dr. Mohan sitting on the farthest end. He gave me a thumbs up, as if that's going to cheer me up!

The press release started one hour late, as usual. The crowd calmed down and Dr. Mohan asked me to brief my findings. My paper that held was getting wet with my sweat. The mic seemed to have a huge mouth. I was not a fan of standing in front of the public. Trembling, I opened my mouth. With a sudden surge of confidence, I read my paper in one flow, "Thank you!" I uttered the last word and with a huge surge of relief, I walked towards my seat. Dr. Mohan stopped me on my track and pushed me towards the podium,

"You still have not answered the questions." He whispered all the while smiling. With an awkward nod, I returned to the podium, slightly embarrassed.

"Is it aliens?" One reporter fired the first bullet.

"We still have a lot of investigation to do."

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