18. Engame held the biggest twist in my life

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Nathalia Avra

I wake up late in the night or should we rephrase it as 'early in the night'? It doesn't have a ring to it, so let's drop it.  It was the 3rd hour and all of Engame gathered in the stadium. The stadium looked exactly like the concert hall in Edbranch, or the stadium where the wedding happened in Latina. It had layers of platforms and seats all around the central stage. As promised Tina showed up and the three of us took adjacent seats. A guy, Tony referred to as Trevor walked up on the stage. He was the Head soldier of Edbranch. He had red hair and pale skin. He wore Khaki karate clothes. He walked towards the centre and started talking.

"Good day to everyone gathered here. We have gathered together to have a wonderful commemoration of the week that changed the fate of Kliptorans. Today we will have our dance competition. Dance is a form of expressing ourselves using our bodies. The signing up counter is on the right and the enquiry counter is on the left of the stage. The competition begins in the 12th hour."  With that he walked off.

"So, can anyone sign up?" I asked.

"Yes. You can perform any sort of dance too." Tina assured.

"Then we are dancing." I announce as I grab both of their hands and walk towards the right side of the stage. 

"I don't take part in programmes like these." Tony tried to decline.

"Oh! Come on. It would be fun. " I gave our names and walked towards the seat. 

Tina didn't protest, so I think she had no objections. Tony bought us some food, which looked like hot dogs on a stick but tasted like tapioca.

At the 12th hour, Trevor comes back on the stage and starts announcing contestants upon contestants. The dance ranged from nodding the head side to side, to walking around the stage with their arms flailing here and there. I was not at all impressed. 

"Up next is the Terrible Trio." 

"That's our cue!" I said and took both of them to the stage. The waters started springing up and drums were being beaten. I did a cute routine of Egyptian style walking to the sides, a roly-poly and a sort of gesture that looks like applying paste on a poster and sticking it on an invisible wall. I did it three times and Tony and Tina tried copying me and they did a pretty good job at it. After that I did a bow and the two of them followed suit. People applauded and I waved at them all the way down the stage with a grin on my face.

"You guys did great." 

"I have never seen that style before. I liked it." Tina said. I couldn't help but squeal. People around me stared at me.

"Sorry."  I apologised.

Just like that day one of Thanksgiving week was over. Day two was all about singing. Just as you might have predicted, I did give my name for that event. Tony and Tina declined and I didn't compel them too much. I performed a solo of 'Butterfly fly away,' by Miley Cyrus. I just love that song and it was an easy strum on my ukulele or Caram as they call it here.

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