14. Latina Hosted my first Kliptoran wedding.

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Nathalia Avra

Our next stop was Latina

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Our next stop was Latina. Sitting inside the wagon, contemplating about how a frolicking experience I had these past so many days was awesome.

Actually, I never thought I would find a planet. I mean, I was just hoping I would end up in some part of space... like just blank space. The black sky, some meteors moving here and there. When I finish the fuel, I would pump up the refill fuel and retrace my step back. No one will know I was gone for two weeks. Two weeks was the maximum, I thought, I could keep everyone from realising I am missing. But then, I just found a cool planet where there was life and I am pretty sure Professor would've had a great time discovering it, if he got to travel and come here first. 

I mean, he calculated a point on this planet (he pre-programmed for travelling here), so pretty sure he would've reached here.

That got me thinking. If I'm here and if the original one was pre-programmed to reach a point on this planet... is Tommy here? I mean, that is a possibility. I should ask Tony about it. I decided.

Since we took the early wagon at the third hour, it was just me, Tina and Tony in the wagon. Tony was sitting across from me reading something on his tablet. Tina was staring at the big wall of metal behind me.

"So, Tony... I was wondering if there was any other...you know, like a few years ago, anyone landed here before me?" I literally didn't know how to ask that question.

He looked at me and after a few moments let out a sigh. 

"I have heard stories of a boy who came from Earth. The scientists at the Nomenclature wing in Latina had confirmed it. They remarked that the boy gave more information about Earth than you did. They have a recording of it. I didn't know how to tell you about him. I have never seen him but I have seen his ship. He was younger than you, when he arrived here. I was hoping to meet him. But unfortunately, Switch was not thrilled by the idea."

Okay, so now I know Tommy is actually on this planet but I really got jealous at the part where those douchebag scientists thought he was smarter than me. He was the Professor's son! He is bound to be smarter. That aside, I also know, he must not be in Engame. So, my next mission after enjoying three more continents, is to find Tommy Faelliyo. After all, he is the real reason I got into this bizarre mission.

" Stories you say? So, you have not seen the recording?" I asked because I need facts to figure my next move.

"I have not seen the recording. The recording is confidential. Tina might have access but not me. Unless I have a permission granted from Switch."

"I have seen the recording. Yes. I assure you he is perfectly alright. And Switch would not like showing you both the recording for confidential reasons." Tina added in after Tony finishes. She doesn't jump into a conversation, so I think pursuing the topic is dangerous.

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