10. Introducing vomit inducers of Mandrea!

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Nathalia Avra

Days six -ten : Mandrea

The wagon journey to Mandrea was silent

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The wagon journey to Mandrea was silent. 

"Wagon" is the only transport means across continents. Every continent has a kinda "hollow-metro- looking-rail-track" that reaches Edbranch. Edbranch acts as the central hub for all the wagons to go from or come back and if you want to travel to any other continent you need to go through Edbranch first.

The wagon is a compartment that can hold like twenty people at a time. It is spacious inside and it is lined with two benches parallel to each other, six feet apart. So, people can stand and travel. 

But the number of people who travel are low, as inter-continental travel is kinda pricey. The wagon timings also play a role in deciding the number of people travelling. Right now, it was just me, Tony and Tina. 

Tina was taking a nap and Tony was reading something on his tablet. I just stared at them. They were sitting parallel to me and I didn't have my phone with me, so staring at them was the only option. Wagons travelled through a tunnel, so sightseeing was not an option. 

It took more than three hours to reach Mandrea from Edbranch. We started our journey at 0th hour(6PM) and so, when we reached Mandrea, it was the 3rd hour(8PM). Much like Greenwich being the centre of the zero latitude, Edbranch was at the centre. Keeping that as the reference point, Mandrea is the northernmost continent of Kliptora. 

I was really tired the first day. We reached the Mandrea port aka, Port M51. It looked exactly like Edbranch's port, but the style of the cabins differed. The tunnel ended in a quite aesthetically pleasing place.

On the right side, there was a beautiful forest, with trees of various kinds and shrubs and some monkeys on the tree tops. Can you still call them monkeys, since they are on a different planet? Anyway, the left side was bustling with people, walking towards the counter and towards the wagon. 

The counter looked like a box with a Chinese traditional roof on top of it. The people in Mandrea looked like East Asians and since the continent was named Mandrea, I can almost say it is a continent that resembled Japan, Korea, Philippines and such countries together. 

Tony took me inside the counter. The panels, floors and walls were all made of wood. It looked so neat and airy. The guy at the counter bowed at me. I bowed at him. He said something in Mar and Tina replied with almost ease. 

After exchanging a few words, Tina led me and Tony towards a mobile and we reached a facility. The interior of the mobile was definitely just the same as an ordinary car but the gears were a bit different.

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