27. Twisty Trwisky

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"Trwisky?" Nathalia asked in bewilderment.

"Yes. Well, you know, it's one of the well-known sports in Kliptora. You must see one. It's fun." I spoke.

"Are you coming, Nathalia?" Max asked in his monotonous voice.

"I am born ready. Let's go!" Nathalia said hopping out of the door.

Max looked surprised. I understand why. Emotions are something Kliptorans lack. Seeing Nathalia excited might have caused confusion in his brain.

"I didn't actually think she would be so excited," Max said.

"From Nathalia, this is the least you could expect. " I said.

We followed her shortly after that. We got to the stadium. The match was between Engame and Arabacia. I could see a bunch of people standing in a row. We also joined it. After a long wait, we entered the stadium. I have to admit that looking at the stadium as a human, it feels so plain, which is so contrary in the eyes of a Kliptoran. When I was a Kliptoran, there were these huge lines of light that used to swirl in the air for no reason. There were many different shades of colours that a human can't perceive. It is so odd to see the stadium like a plane white building. They looked so good with viliverin. Viliverin was sort of in between purple and green. Anyway, now most of the buildings and even my outfit looks plain white. But it held splotches of hues here and there. Something that the eye couldn't figure but the brain has a memory of.

We entered in and took our seats.

Nathalia looked around. Then she asked me,

"Is this game related to soccer or basketball?"

"Actually, it's both. "

"What? Does not make any sense."

"Allow me to explain. Trwisky is a twelve-player game. Each team consists of three bouncers and three kickers. The rules are simple: to earn a goal, a team must kick the ball and bounce the ball consecutively in any order. The passing can be done only between the two consecutive players. It's actually hard to master the game and build a team chemistry. "

"It sounds totally weird but sounds cool too." And after a dramatic pause, she asked me,

"The players are set, the court seems ready, where is the ball?"

"I can't see the ball either. Oh yes! It's coated with Viliverin; a kind of purple and green mixed together which our eyes can't perceive. "

"Oh, that colour thing again. "

"Yes. But I can actually see a blotchy figure in the hands of the referee. All those years with Kliptoran eyes, I think I can help you enjoy the game."

"How? "

" I can do the commentary, while you use your imagination. "

"Sounds good. One question, how the hell are you supposed to see the ball?"

"I have been watching this sport for a long time. I kinda have a small idea of how the ball moves."


"And if we have any confusion, Max is with us."

"You can count on me, Tony," Max said nodding his head.

"Alright everyone, the match is about to start."

"Woo-hoo! Arabacia win!"

"Arabacia? Thought you would cheer for Engame."

"Aww... Tony. I thought you were cheering for Engame. I always stand opposite you. "

"Ha. Very funny." I joked.

She let out a giggle.

"Ok. Let's commence. The toss is won by Engame. The left court is chosen by them. The game commences. The ball is now with Jersey no. 7, who is a bouncer, he passes it to Jersey no. 8 who kicks it past the cross line, which is caught by Jersey no. 5, who bounces it to the goal post and it is a goal for Engame!"

"Come on Arabacia, don't give up!" She screamed.

"Now, the ball is with the Arabacia team. No. 11 passes the ball to no. 6 and she bounces it too.... Oh, bummer! Engame's no. 7 has bounded the ball to no. 4, who kicks it to the goal post and Engame scores one more!"

I saw a frown on Nathalia's face.

"Arabacia has not given up. No. 18 kicks the ball and now he passes it to no. 13 and no. 13 bounces it and passes it at once to no. 2 who scores a goal! "

"At last!" Nathalia was now so into the game. She cheered for all the goals Arabacia earned and growled (literally!), for all the goals Engame scored. It was quite entertaining to see Nathalia's expressions.

The match was over. Engame won. Nathalia was disappointed. We got out of the stadium. we were totally exhausted. We returned to our stay room. Before parting towards our respective rooms, I tried my luck to convince her to stay.

"So, Nathalia what do you think?"

"It was great. I loved it!"

"Staying here is great, isn't it?"

"I still wanna go back, Tony."

That day I understood, it was easier to make the dog talk than convincing Nathalia.

Next night, I went to my laboratory and found the professor working on something. He immediately noticed me. He was endorsed on the latest report from the Hawkian clusters. He also looked like he didn't get much sleep these days.

"Tony, how are you?" He asked gesturing me to sit.

"Not quite well, I guess." I said, sitting on the chair in front of him.

"What's wrong?"

"It's about Nathalia. She keeps on talking about going back to Earth. "

"In that case, we must trans programme her immediately."

"I seem to fail in convincing her."

"You must Tony."

"I'll try."

"Now that you are no longer trans programmed, do you feel like going back too? "

"No! I would never even imagine that!"

"You did imagine that before Tony. I suggest you get transprogrammed immediately."

"Sir." With deep confusion and frustration, I left the laboratory and walked towards Nathalia's stay room. A part of me wanted to do that. It would erase my memory and her memory and we would start a new. Part of me wanted to protest. Professor Sundae seemed to not trust my emotions too. Maybe I can programme the mention to not affect the memory. Maybe that way I can keep my memories intact and erase hers? Maybe that is a little harsh towards her. I don't know what to do. But I must at least try to get her consent on this matter. She is going to decline, for sure.

I reached my stay room in the morning as Helo was starting to appear in the sky. She was lying on her bed watching something on her laptop. I called her to the central room to talk. After I presented the fact, as expected, she started fighting back.

"Nathalia, don't you want to see the world as a Kliptoran for once? Don't you want to enjoy one concert or to see a Trwisky match?"

"Yeah, I want to, but...if I do so, I won't be able to go back."

"Ok fine. The last day of your Kliptoran stay, I'll make you back to normal. What do you say, deal? "

She seemed to fancy that idea. I also fancied that idea. But my memories were not there to request going back to normal.

"What if I lose my memory?"

"I guess, I lost it because I was a teen back then. I think you won't." I lied.

She took some time toponder upon. And after a long break, she nodded in approval. 

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