24. A disastrous conversation

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Kulwant Singh

Her request to get discharged was not practical at all. We still have suspicions. I am confused with what happened in the past few hours. The arrival of some Professor, the conscious Nathalia, the teleporter thingy working and a voice and the small portal and the Professor crying. Everything was overloading me. It felt like I was dropped into a den full of lions without appropriate weapons to defend myself.

The Professor drove his car silently. His eyes still welling up. I didn't want to make an awkward conversation. So, I sat quietly, whistling awkwardly.

"If you have something to ask, ask it rather than staring at me whistling, Dr. Singh. " The Professor declared.

"It's nothing. I am just processing everything" I said waving my hands decisively.

"Then do it silently." He rebuked.

The five-minute ride back seemed a lot like hours.

As we got out of the vehicle, the Professor headed inside. Apparently, he had a pass to enter. I followed him. He was not allowed access to the garage. So, he stopped at the center of the first floor.

"Let's meet the director, we'll tell her request." I suggested.

He nodded and waited for me to lead the way. we walked towards Dr. Mohan's office.

I knocked on the door.

"Come in " I heard his voice.

I opened the door and ushered the Professor inside.

"Welcome. Dr. Antony Faelliyo, wasn't it?"

Dr. Mohan addressed as he extended his hands. It has been weeks since I saw him. He wore a whole suit. Probably because he thought he would be in front of a camera any moment. He also seemed wary. Probably because he had reports to read and paperwork to do. He seemed to be under a lot of pressure all of a sudden. I understand him. I want to strangle Nathalia and this Professor for not allowing me to be on my break! I don't know why, but Dr. Mohan's face reminded me of my denied leave.

"Yes. Good to meet you Dr. Mohan." The professor took his hand and shook.

After both men had exchanged their pleasantries, We took seats around the table piled up with reports.

"As, you can see. I am here to take Nathalia back to England."

"The alien is Nathalia? I heard it was conscious." He said with a cold voice, as if Professor was a threat for a much-awaited promotion.

"Nathalia is human and with all due respect, I am here as her guardian. I am the one who designed the ship. So, if you have anything to query about, I will be your guest. Let the poor girl out of this." The Professor matched Dr. Mohan's Coldness.

"Ooho..." I said slowly.

Both of them stared at me.

"Sorry." I apologized.

"We got results from the genetic department of ISRO and they found some interesting results with her DNA that can prove she is extraterrestrial." A smirk formed in Dr. Mohan's face.

"I can prove she is human. I have every single identification needed for ruling out some assumptions by some amateur scientists." Professor retorted.

There was a sort of rival battle or a debate competition brewing.

"What is the interesting result that the genetics find?" I asked with sudden curiosity.

"Her DNA contains a different class of nucleic acids. One which even humans with rare conditions does not possess. Tell me, is it possible for a healthy "human" like her, you and me to possess some other kinds of random modifications in our genes? I think not. This confirms that she is alien. Your fabricated certificates won't be enough to counter biologically tested results." Dr. Mohan announced.

"But wouldn't it be possible that the geneticists could also have made a mistake?" I tried being useful.

"I have evidence for me creating that ship That also rules out your petty assumptions." Professor argued.

"The answer is no. And feel free to visit the alien, I don't mind that. But taking her out of our surveillance will need more solid concrete proofs than some certificates and news articles. Singh, what is your progress with the team?" Dr. Mohan suddenly changed the topic.

"Uh....mm... working on it. I was about to get more information from Nath... the alien and I would need Professor... Dr. Faelliyo's guidance. If you don't mind, can we take her out to the beach? The doctors did say that she is ok to move around. Hospital rooms can be cramped." I spoke.

"Is that so? Let's get her discharged then. A team from NASA has arrived here and they have created a special holding Facility for her. It records her every move. We can interrogate her there. I will let the hospital know that we are escorting her here." Dr. Mohan said.

"Well, the beach sounds good for Interrogation and fresh air. I can hold a camera to record her every move." I suggested.

The professor looked unimpressed. He must have face palmed himself many times during my brilliant ideas. I can feel my red face filled with embarrassment. He must think we might be doomed.

"Are you listening to yourself Dr. Singh?" He asked me. Suddenly I could feel invisible hands pining me to my seat.

I nod my head to a no and a yes which might have looked like an awkward mix of both. I gulped hard.

"I will make arrangements; you can stay here for the interrogation Dr. Faelliyo. But I would like you to leave."

"Very well then, I will make myself comfortable here. Escort her well, Dr. Singh. And I prefer Professor than Doctor. We will see each other a few more times Dr. Mohan, Until then." The professor walked out.

"I will excuse myself too, sir." I say and Sprint/walk outside and shut the door.

"Whatever happens, Dr. Singh, we must talk to Nathalia first and we need to keep the conversation only to us." The professor whispered as I closed the door.

I nodded in agreement. Whatever happens, we are not letting Nathalia be treated as a lab rat. We will make sure of it.

"I will ask someone I trust to jam the sound systems Somehow. We can pretend to record the convo on a phone and accidently "deleting" it. But first let's arrange the meeting with her. Oh, and you can call me Kulwant." I spoke.

He smiled, A sort oftrust growing in us. 

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