6. Aliens or Humans?

42 10 15

Nathalia Avra

It was dark. Maybe the ship got short-circuited causing a blackout, I thought. I tried to adjust my eyes to the dark environment searching for a way to get out of this ship. I tried to free my hands, which appeared to be trapped somehow. Wait! I was sitting a while ago... before I got knocked out, why am I lying on my back now? Oh! How I wish to crack open this jammed door and get out.

I just could not recollect what happened. I planned well for my space journey. I calculated the coordinates perfectly. I was also surprised to see the wormhole at the correct coordinate even though I was expecting it to be there. I told mom about a month stay with the Greys and I made sure I convinced Mrs Ahima the same. The only possible way my plan would ruin was Brittany. 

Brittany was really suspicious about my work from the starting. She always pestered me to tell her what I was doing. It irked me but I kind of feel guilty for not including her in the plan. The less people involved, faster the results would be. 

Well now that I'm out of the earth and I'm sure I landed on some other planet----or perhaps, crash-landed on some other planet and I am stuck inside my ship, I just couldn't figure out a way to get out of this ship.

The ship looks more like a streamlined version of a jet plane. It had a sort of pointy front structure and a straight, bulky backside. It was the size of a jet. It had two chairs (Two worn out couches, I found in the attic) and a control panel designed just like how the diary instructed. The inside also had a wide backside, where I stored some canned food {I researched what astronauts eat), two oxygen tanks, with those nose inhalers and also my backpack. I just brought the Professor's diary, a journal, two pairs of jeans, two shirts and most importantly, some facts about Earth. I also brought my phone and three power banks fully charged. I downloaded some movies and TV shows and also an informative video about Earth and us, if I needed it. I was prepared, I guess. 

But nothing mattered now. I was stuck, my limbs restrained and for some reason I am lying down. Perhaps, I'll start screaming for help? If it is an uninhabited planet, as till date we have not even found any alien life, screaming won't help. So, let's just quit screaming. But it's worth a shot! 


I did forget that I am in a closed, airtight space, with no way sound could penetrate out. I am screwed. But doing something is always the best. We never know how luck works, right? So, I scream more with more strength, until I felt my mouth drying up. With a fit of coughs, I could feel a slight headache now. So, I thought I would repeat the process after a short rest.

After my throat regained a little strength and wet, I screamed.

 A while after I stopped screaming the hell out of me, I heard a click of a door opening. But it feels very distant. That's impossible! The ship barely contains the space for me to stand and shift my position. I didn't create a huge room to have the door a couple of meters away! But survival instinct kicks in as I start talking gibberish.

"Help! I know I don't speak alien or that any of you would understand me, but I think you understand the desperation in my voice... help?" 

" You can stop whining. We will talk to you about everything after I find the switch to this room." I hear a man's voice beam.

Did I crash land on Earth?

I knew this thing wouldn't work. Who can travel through space in just five days and find themselves on a planet far away and also find it habited? We never found extra-terrestrial life before and why did I think I really travelled through a wormhole? 

Silly me. Wait! Did I just hear that guy say the switch to this room?

My train of thoughts was cut down by the sudden flash of light on my face. I had to squint my eyes to adjust to the sudden light but after blinking a few times, I got adjusted to the light.

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