2. Behaviour's change

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Brittany Grey

It was the first of November; the first day of an exciting month. Thirty days of surprises and frolic.

I got up early with a warm smile on my face and freshened up, ready to get to my first class of the day. I chose a brown frock with a few white strips at the bottom right. I put a matching brown ribbon on my hair and I draw my eyes with an eyeliner. I really don't like wearing much makeup.

I always believed that if I get to my class early on the first day of the month, I feel like I can get it done for the next thirty days. I am weird that way.

Humming a tune, I opened my door to see Nathalia waiting for me on her bike.

"Hey, Britty! Thought we could go together today." she grinned.

I suddenly realized that I'd been staring at her.

With an awkward smile, I chimed, "Hey, what a surprise!"

Nathalia is like a sister to me. She is like this extroverted, hyperactive type of person. I never, not even in my wildest dreams, did I picture her waiting for me to go to college on my doorstep. She is super lazy, {when it comes to things that matters, like going to college or preparing for assignments} that I wouldn't have been surprised if she came late to college. But I think I made an impression on her and she started being punctual.

Self-imaginary pat Brittany!

She wore a white T-shirt, with her blue jeans and blue hoodie. Seriously, does she ever wash her jeans? She always looked the same, with her dark luscious black hair tied in a ponytail and that goofy grin with her teeth showing. Her dark brown eyes always complimented her light brown skin. She looked dorky, period. I have mentioned how I felt about her outfit, but she has never taken that into heart.

With an awkward nod, I fastened the door lock and kicked the stand on my bike.

* * *

Bridgenberry University isn't famous, but it offers a good education. It's a great place for nerds, that's for sure. As for me, I'm okay with it. I can make it two more years. At least it's spacious, and it's still a college.

The building spanned in an arc with a flower garden in front that had benches, which is one of the best places to hang out. Talking about my favourite hotspots of the college, there is this corner in our library that is perfect for a quick nap and Nathalia enjoys reading so we both have a good time.

As we arrived at the school and headed to our first class, Nathalia got out her textbook and... began browsing? I was thrown off by this.

Normally Nathalia was one of those last-minute procrastinators who didn't open her textbooks unless she had to, and sometimes not even then. Sure, she loves books other than textbooks and those assigned by teachers and to see her willingly read a textbook and seem really invested in it - that was weird.

As I mentioned before Nathalia's been my best friend and we stayed friends since high school. She had just moved from India and was having a hard time coping with life in a completely new country. We met accidentally but became friends quickly.

It was one winter morning. The next period was Mrs. Brown's class and I was not prepared for the surprise test she was going to throw at us.

Yes, I found out before class by snooping into the staff room. Anyway, the point is, I didn't study, so I was not prepared. I thought of bunking the period. So, I walked casually, after the lunch break towards the gate on the backside of the school building and that's when I saw an Indian girl about my age being bullied by some boys.

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