35. Phase two: Fake a perfect plan

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Kulwant Singh

After sending my family back to our hometown, we three got into the car and towards a good restaurant. The first thing in phase two was to have a good breakfast. Nathalia was really excited for this part. We entered a pure vegetarian restaurant. The restaurant was busy with people. We somehow found a table. The waiter came towards us.

"What do you want to eat?" He asked in Malayalam.

"I would like a Masal Dosa." Nathalia Said.

"I will have the same." I ordered.

"One plate idli, please." The professor said.

"Randu masala Dosa and oru idli." Nathalia looked at the waiter and ordered.

"Randu Masala dosa. Oru idili.!" The waiter yelled.

Just then, a set of plates and warm hot water arrived to our table. The waiter re-entered after ten minutes with our order.

"you guys like tea or coffee?" Nathalia asked.

"Tea" both of us suggested in unison.

"Munnu pal Chaya." Nathalia ordered the waiter.

"Munnu pal Chaya!" the waiter yelled.

As we were in the middle of finishing of our meal, the waiter came up with three glasses of milk tea. We sipped and ate and paid.

"I missed having breakfasts in one of these restaurants. Aren't they refreshing?" Nathalia said as she hopped into the front seat.

"More like participating on an intense race than having breakfast peacefully." The professor commented.

"Next stop, NIRDESH." I interrupted their review about the restaurant experience.

We reached the gate of NIRDESH and walked right inside through the front door. Everyone was first oblivious of out presence but then they had a double take towards us. We escaped from here and now we were waltzing inside when they had been searching for us the whole time. The surprised look on their faces! They parted ways, not knowing what else to do. Even the electricians who came to fix the transformer looked confused as to what was happening. We reached Dr. Mohan's office.

"Kulwant Singh! Where were you?" Dr. Mohan yelled as I got inside his office. He grabbed my collar and on noticing Nathalia and the Professor, left it.

"Good morning, Dr. Mohan. I am sure we can skip the pleasantries and get to the point." The Professor waited for a reply from Dr. Mohan. Since he just stared at us, we got inside and sat down. Confused, he joined us in his seat.

"First of all, I resign from my post from this day on. Please, accept my resignation. As for the reason, I got a new opportunity to work as the head design manager in Aeronauticorps, which is based in England." I said.

He took my resignation and I could feel him controlling himself not to crumple the piece of paper in his hand as he read the letter. "I will proceed with processing your resignation."

"I am here to retrieve my invention. As, you may know, it is my work and I have evidence suggesting you are plagiarising my work. I have the citation evidence and you have a prototype of my work." The Professor stated.

"Plagiarised? What are you talking about? "Dr. Mohan looked at us.

"The ship, I call it the wormhole transporter is my work. I have also published my work as a research article and the patency belongs to me and Mr. Eric Avra. This is his daughter, Nathalia Avra." Nathalia nodded her head.

"How did we plagiarize though?" he leaned forwards in his chair.

"You are claiming there is an extra-terrestrial reason for the transporter to appear on top of the Arabian sea when you your trial sessions were leaked."

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