31. Gurburs and Blablus

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Nathalia Avra

"Did Tony's theory work?" Mr. Kulwant asked eagerly.

"If it didn't, would she be narrating Dr. Singh?" Professor was holding back all the swear words he was thinking because he was an intellectual person.

"I know. But I can't help asking such questions." Mr. Kulwant was now almost sitting on my seat.

"I call for a- "

"Don't even think of completing that sentence. Continue. We have an hour more before lunch is served. We will take a break then." Professor put me back on my seat and since Mr. Kulwant was sitting on it now, I made my way to his chair which was exactly in between.

"Okay. When I woke up after getting electrocuted while almost chocking to death and going unconscious, I was lying on a hammock which was really huge. I was so thrilled that I didn't notice the hammock was tired on the top most branch of the two trees. I almost fell when Tony caught me from falling.

'Nate, you are alive!' He hugged me as soon as he uttered those words and I was taken aback. When did Tony start hugging people?

'Yes. I am alive. Where are we though?' I asked, pushing him away from me.

'We are outside the dome and it was reckless of you to follow me outside without a soldier beside you.' he scolded. I touched my face and hands and I felt like I was back to looking human. I could remember everything from when I was a Kliptoran and before I looked like them.

'You promised. You promised to not let them repress my memories. And you are mad at me for following?' I got frustrated all of a sudden. I looked at him pouting and knitting my brows when I felt like there was something missing in between my lips and nose. I felt my face again and I found myself without the breathing aid.

'As a human, we could survive outside the dome without breathing aids. I think the domed Kliptorans are allergic to excessive pollutants. We technically are just like a Gurbur without the fur.' He said.

'Are Gurburs those Giant furry apes?'


I waited for him to elaborate but he seemed to not get the cue. 'How do they exist in the wild then?'

'Did you think that Kliptorans who lived inside the dome were the only ones who were sentiment in this planet?' I nodded a yes to that. He looked at me with one eyebrow raised and I smiled at him. 'There are two other sentiment species on Kliptora and they are exclusively endemic to their habitat. Gurburs, as you can see are giant primates. They live in small colonies near a forest or a grassland. Over years, they have come to settle near the dome as they were benefited by the mutual relationship we had.'

'Can a Gurbur live inside the dome?'

'I guess. They seemed to not like the idea though. Gurburs felt claustrophobic when we invited them inside. They seemed to like it outside. The quality of air inside is too good for them I guess.'

'So, when you injected the serum, you weren't sure it would let me live?' I asked, since that question kept on egging me for some time.

'Yes, I didn't know if it would work. Particularly, because I had no idea if it could turn you back into a human.' I shot him a glare. He grinned back at me. Seeing Tiny express himself with a grin made it hard to not laugh at his face.

'So, which is the other sentient species?'

'That would be the Blablus. They live exclusively in the waters.' Tina joined in the conversation, as she sat next to me and gave me a coconut shell full of water to drink. I mouthed a thanks and looked at both of them to continue.

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