33. Towards Earth

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Nathalia is a very big question mark; a confusing box. She makes me crazy sometimes. Her plans, her behaviour, her look... She is so influential. every time I say no, she just... I don't know.

But when she asked me whether I would help her in re-trans programming, I was confused. I went and consulted professor Sundae.

"A human mind is hard to control. I suppose, because we transprogrammed you at a younger age, we could pretty much control your emotions. You are still a human, Tony but you have a heart of a Kliptoran. That's why you love here. Here, I have two bracelets. Give one to Nathalia and one you keep it to yourself. I'll show you how it works."

He twisted and turned one of the bracelets and I did the same with the other one. At one point, both the bracelets synced and we could connect through.

"What's this?"

"This is a sound teleporter. It helps you to communicate with the other end no matter how far apart you are."

"Are you giving this because you are going to shift Nathalia to another continent... Away from me?"

"Yes, we are but not away from you. We are going to transport her to Edbranch. Switch will take care of her. That way, she will not get to leave Kliptora."

I looked at him and then looked into my hands. If this will keep her from leaving, it is worth missing a friend by my side. I was about to leave when professor added,

"Tell her you are not going to trans programme her back."


All those years as a Kliptoran. Did it change who I was? These guys repressed my memories, but that didn't work on Nathalia nor did it work on me the second time. Maybe I wanted to forget about Earth before. Maybe I didn't want to go back hard enough. Should I help Nathalia?

You know you are second doubting Tommy.

Yes. I am split in between you and Tommy.

What would you do Tommy? Convince her or help her?

I want to do the right thing.

That is where you are wrong. There is no right choice. Both the choices have consequences.

Why is it so hard Tony?

I want you to decide Tommy. After all I am just one side of you.

I am not allowing her to go back.

I could feel the inner Tony smirking and Tommy's heart breaking. Now I know how schizophrenic patients feel.

I met Nathalia in her stay room. I did as the professor said and on hearing Nathalia's answer, I was quite confused.

The next day, I was preparing myself for a cosy sleep when I saw someone standing outside my stay room. I opened the door and saw Nathalia as she was before! She wore her jumpsuits and ---

"Soldiers, lock her up! " I heard a roar. I looked behind her to see Switch with many others. They grabbed her and locked her up inside my stay room.

"Sir, what's happening?" I asked, quite confused.

"Tony, it's nothing big. Just come with us." Switch said, pulling me towards him.

"Tony, Bye! I will go today at the 18th hour!" Nathalia screamed.

I looked in her direction and I could only say, "No! Don't!"

I was met with her blazing eyes; stubbornly smirking.

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