4.Introducing Kliptora

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Author's note: He is an alien. Bare with him😬



7th hour- EIRC


The particles collected from the 'Hawkian cluster' do not contain compounds of known substances. The composition is foreign. Estimated origin- from the Clustorial belts.


Observation to be continued.

It has been an exhausting few days after some soldiers found out about a meteor hit at 'Ara Forest'

Our research centre was observing the anomalies in the night sky for more than nine months. When a high meteor shower happened on the 13th of the 10th month, I was so excited. That night was fabulous. 

The dark sky, where Zooie and Toriah both glistened and many clusters of stars hung everywhere, spread around the vast canvas of the untouchable sky; it looked extraordinarily beautiful. The sparkly white tails ending at orangey bodies of comets and how they seemed to fall, as if trying to crash towards a heavenly bed after a long tiring journey across the endless abyss of darkness. It was really marvellous to lay on the ground and look above. And that is what I did.

By the way, I am Tony. I am an assistant professor and general director of Engame International Research Centre. 

Engame has been my home my entire life. My parents are still a mystery to me but I know I was cared for like a son by Professor Sundae.

Professor Sundae has been my mentor and my guide for almost all my life. He is a kind and practical man. He always leaves his black hair in a mess. He allows it to grow wild, although he keeps it from growing longer than his shoulders. He loves wearing his Viliverin suit. 

The Viliverin suit is made of a special polymer called the Exorabilis. It is really expensive material but as the founding scientist, he could afford it. Nowadays, he is perfecting a cost- productive way to produce the fibre.

As for me, I am comfortable with the practical and cheap fabrics made from 'cellulose tissues' of a plant called Gossypium.  So, under Professor Sundae, I have been working for two years and I really like my work.

These days, I am focused on the 'Hawkian cluster', the meteor that actually made it through the planet's atmosphere. There was a sudden burst of explosion and a crater was developed. Soldiers did retrieve a small part for investigation and I am the lead scientist on the case. This is my first assignment as a leader, so I look forward to actually getting into the forest to investigate.

In Kliptora, due to the toxic air outside the continents, civilians are not allowed outside the continents. The soldiers have the permission but they too must go through with caution. When some science related emergency arises, the soldiers have the permit to take one of the scientists to investigate and this time it is me. I have been studying the rock for a few days and it has nothing interesting about it. Today was my lucky day. I get to go out into the forest and find out more about it from the place where the meteor had fallen.

I freshened up by the 8th hour 15 minutes, and I got out of my stay room.

My stay room, like the rest of the stay rooms in Engame, had two rooms, a small common area, a kitchen and a bathroom. I occupied one of the rooms and I did not have a roommate yet. My room consists of a wooden table and chair with some reference tablets on the desk, a bed and a small cubicle to keep my clothes and other important files. The common room had a sofa and a small table with a few paintings on the white painted walls. The floors were carpeted with grey carpets. Anyway, I close my door to the stay room and take a 'mobile' to the nearest port.

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