Missing You

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Have you craved someone's presence?

Like you just want to see them or simply hear their voice?

I do.

I miss someone.

"Aaand done!" I clicked the shutdown button on my laptop. A sign that my work is done for the day.

"I wonder what she's doing?" I said to myself.

I grabbed my phone from the table. I unlock it and search her number. I was about to tap the call button but I stopped midway.

"She must be busy. I don't want to disturb her." I stared at it until the screen turned off. I sighed and put it down.

"Okay, I need a distraction." I stood up and decided to play video games instead.

Few minutes to the game and I can't concentrate. I kept glancing on my phone. It's like a magnet was pulling my attention to it.

I shook my head lightly, "Stop, I need to focus. She's busy and she's fine. I should get my head on the game." I continued playing.

I've tried almost anything just to distract myself. But I'd be lying if I told you that she didn't cross my mind while doing those things.

Y'know like you're in the middle of cleaning your room and somehow an image of her will somehow creep inside your head. And then, you'll end up just thinking about her again.

And you'll scold yourself because, you'll just miss her more.

I'm screwed, aren't I?

I laughed to myself.

It's already 9 PM. I'm facing back in forth in the terrace with my phone.

"She might be done with work by now, I hope?" I muttered, "Well, she should be." she's usually overworking herself and that always leads to her getting sick.

I looked at my phone with her name on it. I stared at it for a few seconds before hitting up the green button.

Here it goes.

She picked up the call at third ring,"Hello?" and I heard the only voice I have been waiting to hear.

"Hey!" I answered in my most normal tone.

"Hi. Why'd you call? Do you need anything?" she asked.

I just want to hear your voice.

Is what I wanted to say but decided against it.

"No, it's just.. Uh, I wanted to check on you, is all." I told her instead which is partially true.

"Really?" she responded. And I swear to you, I could hear her smiling. "Well, am good. Just finishing some stuff."

"Oh, you're still working?" I asked. She a little bit stubborn.

"Yeah, but I'm almost done." she answered.

"That's good." I told her. I still want to talk but I know she needs to rest, "Well, um I'll let you be so you could finish your work and get some rest."

"Alright. Wait, how about you though? Are you okay?" she asked.

I am now.

"Yep, am good." I answered.

"Sure?" she countered.

I chuckled a bit, "Yes po, I'm sure.".

"Okay, good to know." she said.

"Good night. Sleep on time, a'ight? Talk to you soon." I told her.

"Sure, talk to you soon." she said and I tapped the end call button.

I looked up and saw the moon staring back at me.

"Hey Moon," I called, "Could you watch her over for me? She tends to put herself last while taking care of others. Please, remind her that she needs to prioritize herself too."

If someone could see me right now, they probably think I'm crazy. Talking to myself and to the moon.

I sighed and went back inisde the house.


And when we're apart, and I'm missing you
I close my eyes and all I see is you

Thank you for reading!

Freaky ThoughtsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon