Chapter 2: Illumination

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*Parker's POV*

"Which would you like the answer to first?" I replied, and with a swift response, Shay, of course, reacted almost instantly.

"Both," She paused thoughtfully, yet briefly, "Oh yes. Both." She reiterated, and I chuckled, shaking my head knowingly.

"I promise to tell you every bit of detail, but I must shower first. I don't want to catch a cold," I negotiated, pointing to myself.

Shay's eyes followed my hand movement and widened slightly with acknowledgment as she remembered I was still wet, "Ahhh, yeah. You make a point."

"I know," I jested, rolling my eyes at her.

"I'll go ahead and start your laundry for you, so you have less to worry about," My best friend insisted.

I was grateful yet felt bad she'd be doing a task I should do myself, so I shook my head, saying, "No, it's okay."

"Park, don't be silly. You always help me; it's the least I can do. Now, go take your damn shower, leave your wet clothes outside the door for me, and I'll see you when you're done," Shay ordered with a smile.

I gave her an affirmative nod, walked toward the bathroom, and closed the door. I started to peel off all of the cold, damp clothes from my body, which was rather annoying because of the material itself. It took a little longer than I would have liked, but I finally finished it. Once I was bare, I took out my ponytail and tossed my clothing outside the door so that Shay could add them to the wash. I spent what felt like an hour taking a nice hot shower. I enjoyed letting the water wash away the icky sticky feeling that coated my body. I'm sure that the river isn't exactly clean or sanitary...

Once dressed, I made my way into the living room, and as I sat down on the sofa next to Shay, I asked, "What's this?"

"Oh, it's just some hot chocolate. I figured we should enjoy some warm chocolatey goodness while you tell me your exciting adventure," Shay said, looking at me, and I was actually happy to have some of her hot chocolate. She always made it a bit differently from the cheap and simple microwavable packets you can buy at the store.

I beamed, grabbed the ceramic cup in front of me, and took a careful sip. Once I knew the contents wouldn't burn me, I took an enormous gulp the second time around. The warm, thick liquid slid down my throat, and I felt it satisfying my stomach soon after. "This is really, really good."

"OMG, I know, right?! I sure make the best hot chocolate ever," Shay boasted, adding, "I make the best of everything, don't I?"

"You sure do. I mean it. If you don't want to be a police officer anymore, you could definitely have your own cooking show and make that your indefinite career," I confirmed, and she laughed at my words. I know we are playfully bantering, but I meant what I said to her. Shay can really excel at making anything she wants to. My friend has a bright future ahead of her, and I'm so fortunate to be part of it.

As a comfortable silence fell between us, we continued drinking the delicious, perfectly warm beverages until both were finished. I felt immensely pleased and knew I was ready to tell her what went down earlier this evening. However, before I could stop her, Shay picked up our cups and went toward the kitchen to wash them. I took this moment alone to rehash everything in my head, hoping I didn't forget anything important.

When my best friend returned, she got situated next to me again. This time, Shay looked more eager than before and said, "So, what happened tonight, Parker?"


I told Shay everything for the next half hour and did so in chronological order. I started with how long I ran for when I heard crying and followed the sound until I found the woman. I proceeded to tell her what the woman and I talked about as she hung over the bridge's railing. When I informed Shay that she fell in and I jumped in after her, she retained a worried expression, and I knew it was for my safety above all else. I ended my part of the conversation by explaining that I gave her CPR and how she ran from me once she was okay.

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