Chapter 45: Date

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*Bailey's POV*

As soon as Parker exited our driveway and started our destination towards the restaurant, I couldn't stop myself from reminiscing about the day my angel and I shared since we woke up. I happened to wake up before Parker, and I honestly got lost staring at her. The way her body slept, how she always seemed to find a piece of me to hold, and... her flawless face. God and her flaming red hair; all of it, it was getting me all worked up. I took a quick photo of how adorable she was and began my loving attack.

I love the way her body reacted to me when I kissed her and slowly woke her up. It was just another way she was able to show me how she feels, and her body tells me everything. I'll never forget one of our many conversations regarding ways we would like to be woken up. I hypothetically asked her how she'd feel if I happened to kiss or touch her in order to wake her up. The blush on her face and subtle lip-biting told me everything I needed to know. As soon as I straddled her, I was ready to give her all of me, but I wanted to take her first. Being able and allowed to feel safe, to make love to someone, and... to have that control was never something I was lucky to have. I know, without a doubt, that Parker will be more than okay with letting me go at my own pace.

I'm completely safe with this woman.

Things were heating up between Parker and me so much that I was upset when Shay barged into the room the way she did. I won't deny that I was bothered by it because I really was. However, my annoyance subsided very quickly, and once we were decent, I could tell by the look on her face that she needed to speak with us, which was important. So, I silently forgave her for the intrusion. Listening to her gift for Parker was unbelievably sweet and lovely. I had no idea she was doing that for her, either.

Getting ready and driving to the house was amazing, and I had the best time. I'm still in awe of how gorgeous the place is. Shay was right; it's undoubtedly perfect for Parker. When we were gazing at it, I was worried when I noticed the tear sliding down my girlfriend's face. I'm glad she told me how it reminded her of where she lived with her parents. Part of me wishes I still could have met and gotten to know them; I'm positive they're downright incredible people if Parker is anything to go by.

Once we got inside the house and looked at everything, we located the primary bedroom. I've never seen a room like that, and from the look on Parker's face, neither has she. When she went to get the cooler and called Shay, I just put all our clothes away; I wanted to help all I could. I was shocked to see my girlfriend holding a couple of folded blankets in her hand when I went back downstairs, so I had to ask her about it. There was no way I would have ever said no to join Parker on a picnic.

So, I carried the blankets, and we walked to the spot designated by Shay. And those damn red flags, I swear that silly-ass woman can't help herself sometimes, haha. After eating some snacks and relaxing, we got comfortable laying down together on the blankets and... I just couldn't stop thinking about her parents and what they were like... I really wanted to know more, and all I wanted to do was ask her. However, I was a little worried that bringing them up could cause her pain or make her cry because... seeing Parker cry hurts my damn soul; it's so heartbreaking.

When I was ready to ask her, I did, and what I didn't expect was how eager and open she was to tell me everything. I loved that she told me about her dream encounter, and I had no idea she heard me talk to her... Just knowing that... I genuinely believe she is my other half cause how else could that be possible? Whether her parents were really there or if it was something she made up in her mind, I believe her. What matters the most is that she was able to share that moment with her parents, and I'm so damn happy she did.

I was enthralled when she opened up about her life and how her parents raised her. I couldn't take my eyes off her... watching every single movement... Her smile, glances, and laugh... I was right there with her, in that moment of what she remembered from her past, and... It was utterly amazing. I wanted to cry the second she told me what her mother called her. Parky. It's the most cutest name ever, and the smile on her face when I asked if I could call her that... I could die and go to heaven right then and there. If I can't see Parker's pure happiness every day, then I'm doing something wrong.

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