Chapter 29: Discussion

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*Parker's POV*

Nearly two hours ago, Bailey left to do some Christmas shopping while I finished my calls. I was finalizing the details required for my classes to visit my favorite museum. I needed permission from my boss, Mrs. Bradey, who gave it to me without any problems. Additionally, I needed to ensure that whoever joined the trip and left the school returned to the school when it was done so that an appropriate headcount was made. All of which was completely understandable, and I told her I would do as she asked.

Once I was done and everything was set for the trip to the museum, I exited my bedroom and walked to the living room. I saw Shay sitting on the couch, snuggly bundled while reading her book, appearing to be fully enthralled. However, she looked up upon my entry and pointed to the empty spot next to her, telling me where she wanted me to go. As soon as I sat beside her, she unabashedly said, "Park, why haven't you and Bails gotten together yet? You two are totally made for each other."

My mouth dropped.

I couldn't speak, though I wanted to; my mind was too distracted by the many thoughts that swarmed within. My silence seemed to further my best friend's resolve on the matter she so desperately sought answers for. So, with her full attention on me, she pressed, "I see how you two look at each other... how you keep her close... it's as clear as day to me that you want to be with her, but... you're holding back. Talk to me, Park."

I exhaled a deep breath I didn't realize I was holding, looked at Shay, and said, "You're right... about everything. I want to be with her more than anything, and I don't know when my feelings changed, but they did. It's been so long since I could remember how it felt to be wholly understood by someone on a level where words were no longer needed... I'm falling for her, Shay, and... I'm so scared..." I paused, trying to compose myself, but my emotions were stronger and beginning to get the best of me. What came out next was merely a whisper, "I fear the look in her eyes as soon as she sees how mutilated my body is under my tattoos... it's horrendous, Shay... I-I'm disgusting..."

My voice cracked as the final words escaped, and my hands covered my face, blocking it from my best friend. Shay embraced me so quickly, providing comfort for as long as I needed, and said, "Parker, please trust me when I say you are not disgusting... you, my friend, are the furthest thing from that word or anything similar to it. I know for a fact that Bailey already finds you unimaginably attractive. When she sees your scars, she will simply adore them as they are a part of you, and all that matters, in her eyes, is you."

Really? Bailey finds me attractive? Why haven't I been able to pick up on that and Shay has? I know Bailey made me feel wanted with how she stared at me when she saw me practically naked, but... that was at a distance... I don't know... Perhaps my insecurities are clouding my better judgment...

Hearing my best friend say such kind things about me warmed my heart and caused more tears. As I calmed myself again, my mind raced and recalled the manner in which she spoke of Bailey. Shay seemed very sure of her with regard to me; it made me very curious. I wanted nothing more than to understand how confident she was, so I asked, "How are you so sure Bailey would react to me so positively?"

"Oh, that's easy, but before I answer you, I have to make a telephone call," Shay said as she dialed someone's number.

Suddenly, I recognized Bailey's beautiful voice greeting my best friend, "Hey Shay, what's up?"

"Oh, nothing much, just sitting here with Park, and I have you on speakerphone, by the way," Shay paused just long enough for Bailey to say hello to me; my smile was instant, causing my best friend to smirk at me. Then, she continued her reason for calling by saying, "I thought about an idea for tonight. What about having some drinks, letting loose for a change, and relaxing after everything these past few months? How do you feel about that?"

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