Chapter 14: Disbelief

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*Bailey's POV*

The second I woke up, I saw Victoria's darkened, black eyes glaring down at me, and I couldn't breathe. I could feel intense pressure and two hands wrapped tightly around my neck, suffocating me. My heart was hammering in both my chest and ears. If she doesn't stop soon, I might just die... I tried to push her off me, but I had no strength left to do so. Many things attributed to it, but I knew I was also so frail compared to her.

"Please... s-stop..." I gasped barely above a stifled whisper, "I... c-can't b-breathe..."

Victoria wickedly grinned when I begged her to stop what she was doing, and it sickened me to my very core. One day, I feel I will eventually die at her hands. I was very relieved when she finally retracted and loosened her grip, allowing me to take a breath. I couldn't stop the continuous coughing and gasping that soon emerged; I sat upright hastily, hoping it would help. Even though her hands left my body, it was as if I could still feel them tightly gripping my neck, sucking every ounce of life out of me.

"Get the fuck out of my bed and get ready. We leave in ten minutes," Victoria viscously voiced. She got up and left me alone to cry for a few seconds. Is this truly going to be what my life consists of? I don't think I can deal with this anymore... Is death the only way out for me? I need to focus and get ready before she returns, and I anger her further.

After calming myself down, I got off the bed and rummaged through my clothes, trying to find something to wear. It didn't take long for me to realize the few pieces of clothing I owned were, in fact, dirty. Victoria doesn't like me having a lot of clothes, and this is another way she continues to have control over me. Even though I did our laundry just a few days ago, it mainly consisted of Victoria's clothes.

I took a quick deep breath and decided on my last pair of sweatpants along with Parker's hoodie, but I would still need a shirt as well as something to cover my neck. My bruises are still very much noticeable. With speed I didn't know I could muster, I got dressed and reached the bathroom to finish up. I cringed and grunted as soon as I began to apply the makeup. The sudden pain I felt touching where I was recently beaten and strangled added to my discomfort. Come on, Bailey, push past the pain; you don't have much time.

With that short burst of mental motivation, I rushed myself and put on the remaining concealer I had to lessen the visibility of the bruises on my face and neck. Once I was finished, I searched for anything else that could help hide away the abuse. Eventually, I located an older scarf that was tucked away in the back of my sock drawer. Then, I wrapped it around my neck, making my muscles feel as though they were ripping apart. It's either this or nothing, and it can't be nothing, or else she will have my head... literally.

The movement itself ignited the many tender parts of my abdomen and arms. Even though I've had many years to get used to watching my girlfriend kick the ever-living shit out of me day after day... last night was no different. Nothing makes dealing with abuse any easier... not in the slightest. I sighed as my thoughts continued to have a mind of their own. I genuinely don't know how much longer I can take; Victoria is slowly getting worse, and I'm not strong enough to survive this alone... that much is evident. I wonder if Parker would have helped if I had told her my name and had a proper conversation with her instead of being so scared... I guess now I'll never know...


We arrived at the university, and the entire drive was filled with Jewel basically finger fucking Victoria while she drove us. It was absolutely revolting; to be quite honest, I'm shocked we didn't crash. As soon as we entered the building, I felt like I couldn't breathe; it was sweltering. The day I wear a hoodie and scarf, the air conditioning is broken or something... of course, it is... I have no luck whatsoever... Uggghhhhh, goddamnit... Today is going to really fucking suck...

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