Chapter 11: Dread

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*Bailey's POV*

When my phone rang abruptly and woke me up, I was significantly startled. It took a few seconds to realize where I was exactly until I looked across from me. Bright blue eyes were on me, observing carefully; etched on my new teacher's face seemed to be nothing but calmness and concern. As soon as I answered the call and put the phone up to my ear, Victoria's vexed voice boomed as she shouted at me. I guess she changed her plans; no longer was it going to be Jewel and Joshua at the house. It would be a lot more people. My girlfriend threatened that if I didn't hurry, she would force me to participate in her group's sexual activities when we got home. I want nothing to do with that, ever.

I took a second to breathe and mull over the immediate thoughts swarming around in my mind.

The moment Professor Avery introduced herself to my class, there was something different about her; maybe it's her aura or how she carries herself... I haven't put my finger on it quite yet. However, after today... If anything, I'm convinced she has to be a really nice person and is the first teacher to notice the smaller things with me. I did not expect her to read my very subtle plea earlier when she told me to stay after class. I'm so damn grateful. I haven't been able to rest that peacefully in such a long time. I don't want to get my hopes up or anything, but...

Before I became entirely distracted in my mind, I shook my thoughts away. I really need to get going. Unfortunately, it was time for me to leave, and I genuinely didn't want to. Whatever the reasoning was behind why being around Professor Avery felt safe and oddly comfortable to me was impalpable. Nevertheless, I liked it, that much I could already tell. I'm glad she let me stay. I placed my phone on my desk and stood up, but when I bent over to grab my bag, my abdomen muscles constricted, and I felt a piercing pain.

My jaw clenched furiously for two prominent reasons; one, the pain I was suddenly feeling, and two... remembering the sheer joy in Victoria's eyes as she continuously kicked me in the stomach the night before. The more I begged her to stop, the harder she hit; when I finally succumbed to holding in my screams, she seemed to lose interest, though... It never completely stopped her actions. Victoria would always give me a few minutes of solace, then return and have her way with me. I'll never be truly free from her, but maybe... maybe I can finally find moments of freedom as I did today.

My arm subconsciously wrapped around my waist, and I did my best to shrug the pain off before I was asked any questions. I hope I hid it well. I looked at Professor Avery, and our eyes locked again as I said, "I have to go now, but... thank you... for letting me stay today."

The smile she gave me was one of the warmest I had ever seen in my entire existence. The words she uttered next made my heart constrict with a hopeful sensation, "You're welcome, Bailey."

How can someone sound so kind and sincere? I only felt this way once before, on the bridge, when my savior spoke to me. I guess there really are some nice people in the world... too bad I can't thank her, but... at least I have the power to thank my teacher, and that I can happily live with.

I hastily made my way to where Victoria was parked and got inside her car; she didn't look at me but stated, "Fucking took you long enough."

I shuddered inwardly and looked at my phone's clock; only three minutes had passed since she called me. I guess I wasn't quick enough... I remained silent, lowered my head, and looked at nothing in particular. I was worried that anything I would have said would further anger her. In my peripheral vision, I saw Victoria's hand move from her lap to the gear shift, causing my body to tense more than it already had since I entered the vehicle.

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