Chapter 42: Birthday

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*Bailey's POV*

I woke up feeling extremely groggy and very drained. After checking the time on my phone, I realized I had slept for nearly eight straight hours. When I placed my phone in my pocket, I blinked, adjusting to the lights surrounding me, and felt how swollen my eyes were. My mind instantly thought of Parker, and my heart severely tightened. Not knowing her condition for so long was painful, even though I was doing my best to remain optimistic about it. I let out a slow, deep breath and stood up from the chair I was sitting and sleeping in for several hours.

While I stretched my body, my neck and back popped, which felt really good. I took a moment to look at everyone else who was still sleeping around me. Shay and Devin were cuddling; her partner's arms were securely holding her, and I couldn't help the small smile that formed on my lips. Emerbly held Teresa, and I wasn't sure how they looked so comfortable, especially in those chairs, but they did. Braylon was on the floor, leaning half of his body on the wall, while Lisa was sleeping almost as he was, but her head was against his chest beside him.

I sighed sadly, missing Parker terribly.

As I turned around to find my chair and sit back down, I heard a sound coming from behind me. My eyes shot right to the door handle of the waiting room, and I saw it turn. Not even a millisecond later, I was staring into the eyes of Lisa's mom, Danielle Berry. This is it; she has to have news of Parker. I need answers... we all do... I rushed to Shay's side and shook her shoulder hastily to wake her up. It took a few attempts of calling her name to get her eyes to finally open. I looked at Lisa's mom and gave her an apologetic smile. She, however, just smiled at me and nodded her head understandably.

When Shay realized I was waking her up, concern quickly washed over her features as she asked, "Bailey? What's wrong?"

I merely pointed at the door; Shay's eyes followed, and shock replaced her concerned expression as she looked at Danielle and greeted her, "Doctor, hello."

At the sound of Shay's voice, Devin's eyes opened, and she began to survey the room around her. I noticed how she looked at me, then at her partner, before she saw Lisa's mom and then glanced at everyone else, who was still sleeping. Shay started moving out of her embrace and stood up, allowing Devin to do the same. She put her hand on my shoulder and kindly asked, "Would you like me to get everyone awake?"

"That would be great, yeah, thank you so much, Devin," I replied, thankful and very appreciative of her being here with us. When the time is right, and I can have a moment alone to pull her aside, I want to let her know how I feel.

She returned a smile my way before she knelt next to Em and Teresa, tapping on their shoulders to wake them up. I watched as my best friends realized what was going on, and they joined Devin in waking the last two people, Braylon and Lisa. Shay took my hand in hers and looked at me; I saw a plethora of emotions passing through her eyes... I knew how afraid she was and what she was feeling. Ironically, at that moment, we gave each other's hand a reassuring squeeze to remind us that we were in this together.

A few minutes later, we were all standing in front of Dr. Berry, awaiting the news of Parker Avery's condition. I was the one to speak first when I said, "How is she?"

"Parker is alive," Dani began to say, but after she said those words, I practically fell to my knees as they gave out.

I would have actually hit the floor if it hadn't been for Braylon. It seemed as though he saw what was happening and put his arms around me, keeping me from falling completely. He ensured I was steady before he retracted his arms, which was utterly kind of him. My eyes closed, and everything around me faded; it was as if I were alone. I knew I wasn't. She truly survived... I can't believe it. I was so damn relieved and emotional that my angel was actually alive. Though my eyes were closed, happy tears were streaming down my face, and after a couple of seconds, I started to hear the relieved sighs and words of everyone around me.

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