Chapter 41: Escape

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*Parker's POV*

When my eyes snapped open, I first noticed a boundless expanse of clouds that stretched into infinity. It had a gorgeous gradient mixture of many-colored rays with blues, whites, and multiple shades of gold. Underneath my rested body, I felt utterly soft grass; for all I knew, it was the most comfortable bed in the world. I slowly sat up, focusing on my surroundings, and... I couldn't believe what I was seeing. The luscious green forest I glanced around was the most tranquil I had ever gazed upon. It reminded me of the reservoir the day I took—Wait? Why am I alone here... Where's Bailey?

As soon as the thought of the woman who stole my heart crossed my mind, an image of my girlfriend appeared before me. It was like a semi-transparent holographic projection of sorts. She was sleeping, leaning her head against a hospital bed, her arm carefully interlocked with a tattooed one. I lifted my arms, glancing at the same tattoos I saw in front of me, and I shut my eyes. Under my breath, I softly uttered, "How is this possible? How is she holding me when I am standing right here? It doesn't make sense in the slightest..."

I continued to gaze lovingly at my girlfriend and began to feel an intense longing sensation, which I couldn't explain. All I can remember was that very same morning, we were planning our official first date, but... I can't remember what happened after our class, only waking up herewherever I am. I don't understand... Out of nowhere, my heart started to hurt, and I hastily lifted my hand to cover the area, hoping that it would get rid of the feeling, but it didn't work.

Am I dead?

Suddenly, a very familiar voice answered me, "Not exactly, my sweet child, but that is a choice you must make for yourself." My heart tightened at her words.

Is this real?

"This is as real as you need it to be," The calming voice returned, answering my unasked question.

Can you read my thoughts? I then asked myself, unsure if I was going crazy or not. Honestly, I preferred the latter, but... whatever was going on, I needed to get to the bottom of it, and fast. When the woman replied again, her soft voice resonated through me like a melody, "Of course. Both of us can."


When I turned around, the sight before me nearly stopped my heart; my mouth dropped in response. It was as though my legs had no more strength and gave out; I fell to the floor, landing on my knees with a thud. Tears of recognition and joy filled my eyes and soon cascaded down my face. My mom's deep red hair flowed in the wind while she lovingly looked at me with her soft hazel eyes. I looked to her left, and my dad's bright blue orbs were protectively watching over me. My parents rushed over and embraced me as one, and they nearly fell at the pace they ran. There were no words needed; the moment itself transcended language.

"M-mom... Dad... Y-you're here... Why...? H-how?" I stuttered; speaking seemingly became much more challenging than ever.

"Because you needed us, sweetie. We're here to help you understand what happened," My dad replied, still holding me tightly.

My mom's arms never faltered as she kept me close to her, just like she used to do when I was a child. I clung to my parents like I would lose them again; I missed them terribly. Though she held me close, she pulled back enough to ask, "Parky, do you have any idea what happened?"

Oh my God, my childhood nickname... my mom always called me that. I can't believe I've heard it again after all this time.

"Honestly, I haven't the faintest idea of what's going on right now..." I answered, and I was now able to look them both in the eyes, "I'm just so h-happy to be able to see you again after so long... to hug you... I've missed you both s-so much, it hurts."

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