Chapter 49: Restaurant

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*Parker's POV*

I'm glad my plan of having us separate when we went to Wal-Mart worked out this well. It wasn't to deceive Bailey negatively, but so I could buy everything I needed. That way, we could go camping tonight. As soon as she answered my question earlier, I started preparing how I could make this happen for her. There was no way in hell I'd miss such a fantastic opportunity and moment for us to share together. I just hope she doesn't suspect anything because I really want this to be a surprise... I want to see the look of joy and shock showing through on her beautiful face.

The way Bailey's eyes lit up when she saw the vast ferry boat was very adorable. I honestly couldn't wait to be back out on the water again... It's been so long since I did any water traveling, and being able to be with her and do that made the whole moment mean so much more than it ever had. While my eyes were closed and Bailey held me, I felt an enchanting effect, evoking a profound sense of tranquility and love. As the gentle and soothing sounds of constant, crashing waves fell into a beautiful rhythm, it created an added indescribable feeling of serenity and wonder within me.

The moment Bailey got up to the railing and extended her arms to reenact the scene from Titanic, I fell more in love with her. Not only for her adorable silliness, which made me laugh with her but... For everything she stands for as a person and as my girlfriend. The cherry on top of that is how she treats me, to see how much love shows through in her radiating, multi-hued eyes. At times, it's surreal and so amazing... Believe me, I'm aware, and I know I say it a lot, but... I cannot help it... I know I'm fortunate to have her in my life; nothing will ever change that, and I will always treat her even better than a queen.

As soon as the ferry docked and we could drive off, I immediately began heading toward the restaurant I wanted us to go to. While onboard, Bailey and I discussed our options and happily came to a decision. During the ride there, and honestly, whenever we're in the car together, it's magical. I love being in her presence. If I'm not the first to initiate contact by hand-holding, she is, and it warms my heart each time I feel her touch any part of my skin. After another twenty minutes, we reached our destination, and I parked the car. I made sure to open the door for her; it's secretly one of my favorite things to do, the smile and blush on her face every time I do it... priceless.

As soon as we entered the restaurant, we were instantly greeted by a nicely dressed middle-aged host who asked how many people we were expecting. I answered him, and he said they had a small twenty-minute wait, asking me if that was okay; I nodded in response. He informed Bailey and me that he'd call my name when a table was ready. I'm really excited and curious to know how good their steaks taste here... I wonder if they'll be just as good as Shays.

Heh, I should tell her where we're at.

Once we both sat in the waiting area, Bailey rested her head on my shoulder after kissing my cheek. I took out my phone, opened my chat conversation with my best friend, and sent her a quick text.

Parker: "Bailey and I are at Fleming's Prime Steakhouse & Wine Bar."

Shay: "That's actually my favorite steakhouse; they make some delish food there. HOWEVER, they ain't got nuthin' on me, bro!!"

I felt and heard Bailey's beautiful giggle, making me smile warmly; I knew she could see our conversation, and I didn't mind it one bit. What's mine is hers.

Parker: "Care to make a wager on that? ;)"

Shay: "Hell yeah!! Bet! Tell me the stakes then if you're so sure they'd cook better than me."

Parker: "Um... let's see..."

Parker: "Porterhouse, Ribeye, Sirloin, T-Bone, and probably a few others I can't think of right now."

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