Chapter 5: Class

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*Parker's POV*

My alarm clock woke me up more abruptly than I had anticipated as I accidentally knocked it off the nightstand. It struck the floor with a loud thump and was continuously going off. Oops. I hope that noise hasn't bothered Shay too much. I felt myself slowly waking up, and I wiped the sleep from my eyes after stretching my body. It's really nice to get a whole night's rest without being jolted awake by nightmares—no one would miss them; I sure don't. I yawned, stood up, and started getting ready for the day ahead of me.

I took a shower, fixed my long, red hair, and got dressed quickly. I was excited about class today because I'd be teaching my students a new lesson. I'm genuinely excited and happy with them; they look up to me and trust me to give them pertinent, correct information. Wanting my pupils to succeed and providing them with the tools to do such things is a feeling quite unlike any other. I gave myself one more look over, ensuring my tattoos were fully covered, grabbed everything I needed from my room, and walked out.

I passed Shay as she cooked breakfast so I could place my bags next to the front door. I looked outside, seeing the sun shining brightly through openings between the trees; rays were visible. I let out a content breath and headed toward the kitchen table; Shay was setting our plates of food on top of it. As we sat down together, my best friend looked at my outfit, shook her head, and with a confused yet confident tone, said, "You know... I don't understand why you always cover up your beautiful tattoos, Park. You're an art professor; your students will most definitely appreciate them, I'm sure of it."

"That is precisely it, actually. I know they'll be intrigued; you're right about that. I guess I just want my students to focus on art and not be distracted by me." I took a quick sip of my coffee, then added, "Plus, I don't know too much about college regulations regarding displaying body art as it is," I explained, and my best friend appeared to understand my reasoning by the look on her face.

"Since you said it that way, it does make some sense," She admitted, chuckling.

"Thank you for cooking breakfast, my friend. I always appreciate you and your delicious cooking," I stated, and she grinned at me.

"Even if it's just some basic-ass scrambled eggs and toast with coffee?" She teased, and I smiled knowingly.

"But, of course," I replied honestly.

"I'm starved! Let's dig in!"


Shay and I ate breakfast together, as we do almost every morning. Her food was absolutely scrumptious, and I knew I was happily full by the time we were done. After I washed our dishes, she got her belongings and picked up one of my bags on her way out to the car. I grabbed the other bag and my keys, then joined her so she could drive me to the university. During the ride, we listened to music and talked about how Shay was meeting up with her new rookie partner today. She informed me that she didn't have much to do besides a few hours on the clock to show her partner the ropes.

Though I listened intently when my friend spoke, I always got lost while gazing at my beautiful surroundings. Colors, signs, logos, nature, and all types of zooming vehicles would catch my attention. I soon arrived right on time, or rather, early, as I prefer to do. It's imperative for me to set up and prepare for my students before the class actually begins. Shay parked the car, and I unbuckled myself, getting out of the vehicle.

As I closed the door, my best friend said, "Have a great day, Park. Text me when you're ready to be picked up, and I'll be here."

"Thank you. See you later, Shay."

She gave me her famous half-smile smirk along with a nod, changed gears, and drove off. I watched her leave while I situated my bags on my shoulders, then I started walking towards the university's doors. I headed to my class as if it was second nature, passing by countless students and colleagues. After doing this routine so many times every week, there just comes a time when you can do it with your eyes closed.

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